Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

xbox should get the Blade IP. So much you can do with it.

Minecraft is not enough?


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I can’t wait to see the ID tech engine in work. ID Software has a pretty big studio and I think that rumored quake reboot is gunna be announced before too long.

Id making a hexen game is a dream of mine. Now thanks to abk who knows

The next games from id and The Coalition will melt faces, can’t wait to see both in action next year.

No, exclusives


A 7th COD game (Black Ops 1) entered the top 50 and Black Ops 2 is now #21.


Lead Environment Artist - Outsourcing & Co-Dev

New Compulsion Games job post mentions a Co-Dev partner. I have no idea what studio this could be though.

“Be a key point of contact for everyone in the outsourcing teams and co-dev teams, for all matters environment art.”

Review and integrate outsourcing content and co-dev content.


Back when there was a Bloomberg article about Embracer co-dev it mentioned Co development partnerships with Xbox including Fable. An insider around that time mentioned that Compulsion was working with eidos as well.

Makes sense to me since they are both in Montreal and Compulsion is pretty small.

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Embracer seems more than ready to take MS money without the risks. It could be a good way to get Eidos studios working for Xbox without regulatory scrutiny. In fact, I expect more 2nd party games to fill gamepass and also support the 1st party studios.


Hope we get to see the game June next year. After Phil’s many compliments about how we shouldn’t sleep on Compulsion I thought we’d see gameplay at E3, but we didn’t.

The old “Square Enix West”-studios has to be the most obvious, and great, acquisition targets for Xbox ever?


I am still holding out hope lol. Seems like a no brainer given Embracer’s finances but Amazon publishing Tomb Raider is a short term annoyance.


Although I’m not a fan of the Metro, I do like the argument here:

I have often said MS should try create more of those cinematic third person type games, simply to encourage more PS customers to either get a second console or switch entirely.

With MS resources they could easily release one a year in addition to all their other games. I don’t see it as copying PS but competing with them! We the consumer win at the end of the day as we get more games/choice!

Hopefully as others have said above they start picking up studios like Crystal Dynamics, Eidos, IOI, Remedy and Asobo etc.


Inundating the market with more 3rd person “sony-like” games is not increasing choice, it is exactly doing the opposite.


very interesting interview on undead labs. i did not know undead labs was funded by ex-blizzard guys. this is why buying ABK make sense and not square. you should reach out and work with companies that are your DNA compatible.

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I am ensnared in hype for Baldur’s Gate 3 and Starfield. Both games appear to have enormous scope and ambition I’ve never seen before without resorting to the Sony style heavy focus on cinematics. I hope both games deliver and, just as importantly, other developers are also looking for ways to push video games forward in their own unique ways.

While I do get your point I believe that gamers like the one that wrote this article care SPECIFICALLY about Sony’s 1st party cinematic 3rd person action/adventure games and not narrative driven 3rd person games in general. When was the last time a multiplatform game of this particular style did really really well on Playstation? I don’t remember reading about any noteworthy sales of games like Control or A Plague Tale e.t.c. on Playstation so if they don’t buy games that are already available on their system of choice what makes you think that they will buy a whole new console (or switch ecosystems) for a game from Remedy or Asobo? this kind of Playstation only gamer seem to have so limited tastes and live inside such a strictly Playstation-centric bubble that I think that it’s almost impossible to make them even consider investing/trying out another console/ecosystem.

This quote in particular is pretty telling:

Whether or not Microsoft makes good games is irrelevant to me because they’re not making the same types of game as Sony used to.

They don’t even entertain the thought of getting out of their comfort zone and trying out anything other than that specific kind of game. And I am pretty sure that even in your suggested scenario the excuse to not get an Xbox will change into “I won’t get a Series console for 3-4 games lol”.