Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Also, if MS want’s to give an ip to another studio they do it. It’s not like rare could stop it lol. I doubt they would even care.

The guy who said this hasn’t work for Rare in forever, whatever he thinks has nothing to do with Rare

Whatever the reason, they clearly don’t want to work on anything Banjo related which I’m sure is a shame for fans but not something that should be held against them

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Yeah at this point it’s up to Xbox to find studios that would be happy to pick up the torch. If this Activision mess sorts itself out, then Toys for Bob would be an interesting fit for Banjo-Kazooie.


Yeah I checked, he said so on other Era. Not sure how reliable he is but I’ve heard him mentioned a number of times.

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Personally, I have zero interest in Rare, Banjo and Conker. However, I do believe that Microsoft should acquire PlayTonic and let them remake the original Banjo game but with full voice acting and amazing graphics ala Ratchet & Clank 2016. That would be great in my opinion and would give the fans what they’ve been wanting for over a decade.

I agree that studios shouldn’t be forced to work on certain IP’s and whatnot, however, as a gamer and as a fan, it also depends on what studios end up working on instead of going back to what they once did. For example, im an Arkane fan and loved Dishonored and want Dishonored 3. Instead, I get Prey, Deathloop and Redfall since then. Two games I ignored because they’re not for me and the one game I did play and complete (only because of Game Pass) was Redfall which I rated a generous 7.0/10 and is my lowest ranked (#31) completed game of the generation.

A second example is Tango Gameworks. I loved The Evil Within 1 and 2. No interest in Ghostwire Tokyo and to be perfectly honest, it should have been cancelled because once the lady who created it left, what’s the point? Hi Fi Rush is a great 8.5/10 game in my opinion but isn’t what I want from Tango Gameworks. I want The Evil Within 3. Plus, survival horror is the HOTTEST it’s been in a long ass time. I mean come on.

Sometimes, IT IS about giving fans what they want because it shows even if it’s just a handful of people who want these games, actually doing them and releasing them shows that even the few fans matter and are important and above all else, gives hope that the ONE game or franchise YOU want actually has a chance of coming back.

Granted, we’re getting Fable and Perfect Dark at some point which is great and all but with Microsoft owning so much classic IP’s, they need to dive more into that back catalog in my opinion.

I know you’re pretty set in your ways, but give Ghostwire a try


Haha. I’m definitely set in my ways. lol

I have watched several reviews for Ghostwire and no commentary walkthroughs for the first hour or two and it just doesn’t appeal to me.

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some games others like just wont appeal to certain people. iv tried 3 times to get into death stranding and same thing. its just not for me

Agreed. I watched a little of Death Stranding years ago and was like, looks great, audio is probably top tier and story/characters is probably real good and has a great cast but then I see the gameplay and combat and im like, no thanks, im good. lol

Less than TWO MONTHS for official Game Pass release of Starfield.

And even less for those who preordered.

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No clue how good the DLC is going to be, but I said F it and purchased the early edition. Also, I am buying the early edition for Forza

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There’s DLC with the early edition? I’m gonna take a look at it.

Upgrade from Standard Edition and receive the following bonus items:

  • Shattered Space Story Expansion (upon release)

  • Up to 5-days early access**

  • Constellation Skin Pack: Equinox Laser Rifle, Spacesuit, Helmet and Boost Pack

  • Access to Starfield Digital Artbook & Original Soundtrack


There is also the preorder/Game Pass skins that basically everyone gets.

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Starfield passed 300k followers on Steam

At the same moment 2 months before launch:

Elden Ring: 253k

wizard game: 210k


Eight weeks from today for me with the Premium Edition. 56 days to be exact.

Looking forward to it but first things first - wrap up FF XVI, then Remnant 2 followed by Atlas Fallen.

The expansion and the 5 days Early Access is why I decided to just pre-order the Premium Edition. Besides, there’s no way im getting through the game with a single monthly rental via Game Pass. lol


Starfield will be massive

What is wizard game?
