Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

WTF. It’s not Rare that said that either!


I’m not saying MS shouldn’t make another game, I just don’t there’s as big an audience for these types of games as people expect, GP or not, outside of the Nintendo platform at least

and sure, the could reinvent it but that alone is extremely risky as you risk alienating the people that wanted it just like the OG games

Rare don’t want to make the same stuff over and over, quite frankly that’s something that should be commended, unless you’re talking about the quote that started all this which, once again, wasn’t Rare so regardless, none of this is on Rare


I think the best chance we have of getting another Banjo is if the Activision/Blizzard/King deal goes through. Toys for Bob seems like an adequate studio to take on the challenge.

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Rare didn’t say anything though, it was a former dev giving his opinion on how he thinks the head if Rare thinks on the subject.

Phil Spencer and Xbox higher ups are all aware they need more kid friendly games, even if Rare is not making it, there’s someone out there that likely already is. Heck, People Can Fly could be making the game, it would be new ground for them sure but It could happen!maybe!


But what did the “action” speak? Yooka Laylee was rather mid and not a lot of people cared. Was this also Rare’s fault?



Im talking about abandoning their IPs over the last 15 years. I wonder how much persuation it took for them to hand kver Perfect Dark. I bet phil begged them. Thats just what i think of Rare.

Going full on live service and not caring to make the games that made you in the first place.

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Why is Rare only wanting to work on original IP a bad thing?

They gave their blessing to Perfect Dark and worked with Dlala on Battletoads. They made Rare Replay and were involved in Banjo being in Smash. They haven’t abandoned their IPs.

Sea of Thieves is a bigger success than any Rare game ever and that was a new IP.


I’m in the camp that rare shouldn’t work on old IPs if they don’t want to. I think they should license out IPs to studios that want to work on IPs


Agreed. Which is exactly what they did with PD and Battletoads and exactly what they will do for Banjo.

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Studios change internally over the years. Rare isn’t Rare anymore and that’s not a bad thing. That’s just the reality of the passage of time.

Especially when the Studio is open to different types of games they want to make.

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They are a new Rare, which is just as valid and worthwhile as old Rare.

Also, some people there have been around for a long time. Louise O’Connor, for example (Executive Producer of Everwild) has been there for 24 years and Gregg Mayles is also there (although I think he left and then came back).

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Exactly. I’ve never really played the old Rare games so this new Rare is essentially my Rare lol.

I doubt those old IP’s that people love will remain dormant forever though. I’m sure the right studio will get their hands on them.


Dude, stop posting cringe

Studios shouldn’t be forced to keep making the games that you personally want them to make, especially when the games they are wanting to make are many times more successful than any of the games fans are wanting to bring back like Conker and Banjo

We also don’t know how protective of the IPs Rare really are but the fact they’ve allowed KI, Battletoads and Perfect Dark to live again suggests they are ok with it provided somebody has a good pitch, maybe nobody has offered something worthwhile

They shouldn’t just bring back something for the sake of it


You want the ‘old Rare’ back? Ok, then let us unite in the fight for Knight Lore 2!

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Didn’t that NateDrake guy say that a new Banjo was supposedly in development, recently? Is he reliable?

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Was that NateDrake? I thought it was someone else, hmmm. It was last year, that rumor iirc. Hope it is actually happening. There is no reason to let the bear and bird lie dormant. Spyro and Crash trilogy and then Crash 4 really showed that.

Thats a hyperbole. Sot in retail lainch period did woefully. Yes its a hugely succesful now after huge amount of time and commitment but its a completely different type of game.

Its not for the sake of it. Im saying even x devs should be talking about no market. If he said that it means they felt like that before

I think the real issue is Rare dont want to make banjo the way people want. Hence the reason they felt annoyed by Nuts and bolts reception.