Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

With Psychonauts 2 and likely more of similar style coming from Double Fine, bringing a new Banjo shouldn’t be a problem.

How well did the crash and Spyro remakes sell? Or the new crash game? However well they sold I would expect banjo to do worse then either as both those franchises are/where more popular.

Not really something we should play attention too, because it’s a former dev with no data or way to gain said data how much people want it.

Even if Gregg Mayles is not interested in making it, it doesn’t mean a team at Rare couldn’t be created who may want to, or that Microsoft and Rare aren’t actively looking for a studio who could be.

They’d be great for it. It’s clear Rare doesn’t want to do it, neither does Double Fine. But Toys for Bob would be so great. If ABK goes to Xbox chances of this definitely grow, but if de deal fails…things are not looking great for a actual remake or new game.

But there was a rumor last year that a BK project was in the works, speculation was Sumo Digital. I guess it’s not implausible.

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I really get the feeling that whatever ID software is working on its pretty far along.

Phil teased it after the summer showcase. Could be the unannounced game that’s releasing in 2024.

You mean the Hexen shirt?

I would like to think/hope that Xbox this year will be spreading out the news/announcements instead of one place. We’ll see.

No. I think this is the quake reboot, not doom 3.

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They should be like 3 years into it at this point. Coulr be 2024, 2025 more likely imo.

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Can’t wait to see Hugo Martin on stage again! id’s next game will drop jaws no doubt about that.

Great times ahead for Xbox! :partying_face:

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I agree. But In general I always hate when people make the claim that “X type game doesn’t have an audience on Xbox”. First off it they aren’t making or porting the game to Xbox how would they know? Secondly even if that is true, the reason for that usually Is those games aren’t available. You can’t have an audience for certain types of games on a console if you’re not putting those certain type of games on a console. It’s a pretty simple concept really.

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Could you please recommend me some 3rd person Xbox first party games to play on Game Pass?


Gears of War 1-5.

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  • Gears of War

  • Fable

  • Sunset Overdrive

  • Ryse: Son of Rome

  • Crackdown

  • Psychonauts

  • Technically Fallout and Elder Scrolls

  • Yakuza & Persona (I kid, I kid)

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Now people are freaking out about things MS didn’t even say? Pretty soon people will blame MS about Apple’s iOS store policy.


Only a few days before the early access for starfield so I would be shocked if they don’t have that setup to play a bit there


Because super mario 64 is the same game as galaxy or Odyssey.

Bamjo can reinvent itself. Collecthons dont have to be collecthons like they were in the 90s

I wont listen to anyone who thinks banjo shouldnt have another game. Ms have nothing in that space.

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Ms dont need to say it. Action speaks louder than words. Im not even blaming MS. Im blaming Rare.