Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

When is hellblade 2 releasing because they have showed that game off too many times. What event will it be at next, tgas?.

If I had to guess, a Direct early next year

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Developer Direct in November 2023 or January 2024 with Hellblade, Avowed, Towerborne, Flight Sim and one other game.

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Too early for avowed imo. I don’t think we see it again till next summer. Especially taking into account the devs comment on rpg codex.

We’ll see. I personally think the 2024 games are first half of 2024 and they have just learned their lesson about committing to specific windows.

I would like to know if we have some updates about Project Wormwood. Nick told about this project last year and It should be a RTS based on Elder Scroll IP.

I’m not expecting to see Hellblade 2 again until June 2024 at the Xbox Games Showcase. Full gameplay trailer manly focused on combat and release date - November 2024.

For a Developer Direct in early 2024, I can see the first expansion for Starfield, Towerborne, Flight Simulator 2024 and Avowed. They showed Forza Motorsport this past January and it’s releasing in October so Avowed having a deep dive in January with a story trailer in June with a release in September is very possible in my opinion.

Im going to refrain from responding incase i upset the Rare fans on this forum. But im absolutely seething about this. I want to go bat shit flame mode on this Studio and its devs but ill leave that to another place.

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The fact that avowed is comming out next year is enough to make me hyped. another 3d rpg from obsidian.

  • Towerborne feb 2024

  • avowed may or June. Think it looked just fine at the summer showcase. Obsidian have never had crazy good graphics. I just rewatched the gameplay trailer, graphically it’s a CLEAR upgrade from the outer worlds. Looks solid.

  • Hellblade 2 July/august. Don’t see Hellblade 2 as the big holiday game. The first was a small AA type game. I expect it to be a big step up but I don’t see it taking on the role of big

  • starfield expansion In September.

  • Phil said they still had unannounced games for 2024. I’m gunna guess quake reboot by ID software in October

That’s a pretty damn great year right there, and doesn’t even activisions games. Those would probably make it Microsoft’s best year ever.

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The fact that the original creators are so intimidated by the prospect of creating a new Banjo game and are just throwing out lame excuses is pretty disappointing.

What is the audience for the niche indie games that constantly release on Game Pass?

You don´t want to make it for whatever reason, it is okay. Let other teams, probably younger people, make it.


You realise it’s the composer and former devs saying this, not anyone at Rare or Microsoft now?

Also, even if they are right, it doesn’t mean they can’t create a new audience with a new game. Just look at the Spyro and Crash remakes. I really don’t see this statement as that controversial. It’s just their opinion. This is why I’ve been saying that Xbox should wait until they own Toys for Bob and get them on Banjo. They are one of the only studios who can do it justice.

We’ve known for a long time that Rare is a “new IP factory” and that’s where their interest lies. They aren’t interested in going back to old franchises and that’s fair. If anyone does it, it will be a new studio like TfB.

Banjo will happen one day.


Let’s have a remake of the first one and then we’ll see.

Thank you for pointing this out

I didnt read the article and took it for granted a current Rare exec said that, big mistake on my behalf. Im probably pissed off more at videogaming journalism and their desire for clickbait titles than the original poster here. Grant Kirkhope hasnt been a member of Rare for almost 15 years now. He made some great music for Rare titles, but he also said alot of bollocks since leaving the customer. At one point he was very bitter about his former employee and bitching about how ms ruined the developers.

Also lets be honest, Rare wont be the studio making a new Banjo Kazooie if it was to happen, their new gameplay style is a bridge different from what banjo kazooie was. Itd be like naughty dog making a new crash bandicoot. I still think doublefine would be a good fit for banjo, both a remake and a new ip

I wouldnt call this a click bait title, Former is the first word in the title.

I don’t think his take is even that bad

It might not be a failure but I really don’t think there’s that big an audience for collectathon games nowadays

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Either do what Crash did by putting remake first and then see if it warrant a sequel, or just do a sequel because game pass exist.

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it really isnt, but you know how the internet likes to twist these things

Considering how amazing Crash 4 was I totally agree that Toys for Bob would be a great team to revive the IP, hopefully we’ll see a new Banjo from them. :pray:

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I honestly think it is a really bad take. We re always praising Game Pass for allowing devs to realise projects with lesser economic risks, are we going to forget that just now?

Is Banjo Kazooie going to be the most expensive Xbox game ever made? Let alone if it is a remaster…

Platformers are still being made, big and small, the no audience excuse is utter bs.

I am sorry if I come across as aggressive, this topic in particular gets me on my nerves.