Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Hogwarts Legacy. Discussion of the game is banned on ResetEra and Farsight crossposts there.


Was watching a new video by Juicehead about Bethesda and the future of them regarding releases. He calls the future “morbid” when it comes to how much they will be releasing and that it seems we’re looking at a one game per console generation studio. And yeah, that sure seems to be the case. I can absolutely see TES VI being a next generation game, likely cross gen but, you know.

But there was one thing he said, he said it’s Starfield, TES VI but not necessarily Fallout 5 after that. That Todd apparently said this to IGN. Did he at all though? Because what I remember from Todd about Fallout 5 is that he said in a older interview that after TES VI they will get to Fallout 5.

Didn’t a few moderators from ResetEra get exposed for playing the game on Steam back when it launched?

No clue.

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Wouldn’t even consider it a problem if they did

I just find it hilarious that the moderators/staff there ban discussion of a video game but play it anyway so it’s like, why are you banning discussion of the game in the first place? Ban discussion on Rowling and all that stuff but leave the game itself alone so people can talk about the game on what is supposed to be a gaming forum.

But whatever. I’m not over there so I don’t care either way. I just find it funny. lol

Moderators are just people there volunteering, doesn’t necessarily mean that they agree with everything.

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Todd clarified in the last interview with Todd that he didn’t mean it would literally be the next game after ES6, just that yes, it would likely be something they work on down the line

Oh wow. Moderators don’t get paid? Didn’t know that. I figured that it was like a part time job or something. See, you do learn something new everyday. lol :slight_smile:

Well, maybe they do. I guess I am not sure. I’d be surprised if they did, but who knows

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But that’s odd. What could be after TES VI then? Starfield 2? Oh man, as a Fallout fan the wait is going to be insanity.

Truly hope we’ll get a spin off before that, please!

In 2 months you might be saying ‘as a Starfield fan…’

It might just be too soon for them to announce a game that won’t start working on until next generation. I

Lets be real

Were gonna go for the upgrade. Especially since its only 30 bucks to upgrade.

The gsmes release may as well be the 1st. Thats when the review emabrgo will end or around then and when a shit ton of people will be playing

The whole early access thing is to get more money. Well its worked.

Who knows but obviously ES6 is locked in, maybe they don’t want to lock themselves into FO5 when it will be another 5+ years until they can properly work on it anyway

Oh damn. For months i’ve been thinking theres this huge game called “Wizard Game” that occasionally gets mentioned and i’ve never seen. Haha.

Quite funny that the game end up to the be “The game whose name should not be told”. What better publicity for a game about Voldemore.

They probably just haven’t locked in anything beyond ES6 which is 5 years away or so. Or they just don’t want to piss off fallout fans by saying the next game is 12 years away.

I just keep thinking that Xbox is missing a big opportunity by not turning BGS into a two team studio. Had they done this when they bought bethesda their release schedule could look like this

  • Team 1 starfield 2023
  • team 2 ES6 2026
  • team 1 fallout 5 2029
  • team 2 new IP 2032

Instead this appears to be the reality if they stay as one team

  • starfield 2023
  • ES6 2029
  • fallout 5 2035
  • next game 2041

I know it’s easier said than done making them two teams but that one team that made Skyrim/fallout4 and is making starfield is probably half of Bethesda’s value. I like machine games, and arkane. I freaking love ID software but BGS is just so important.

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Should be the ultimate goal, but there is one Todd Howard right now. The game we got that he wasn’t as involved in was Fallout 76.

He needs to be grooming successor(s) if he isn’t already.

didnt sea of thieves end up as the number 1 bestseller in UK on launch week? the first xbox game to do so since halo 5 in 2015?

Found an article so you cant accuse me of talking bollocks

It’s official! Sea of Thieves is the number one game in the UK.


The issue with a two team BGS is that Todd seems to really value the team he works with, many of the team has either been with him either since the skyrim/oblivion, even morrowind days

That’s an extremely long time where you build trust, cohesion, communication etc and make the best products possible

If they were to build an entirely new team for one of the main games that would mean

  1. Todd isn’t directing which, yes will happen eventually and while ES6 will probably be his last ES it, might not be his last game in general so he’s not stopping anytime soon

  2. Hiring a massive amount of brand new devs with no history at BGS and yes, the vast majority of studios do this and I’m sure BGS themselves are constantly hiring new devs but I get the impression Todd values the people who have done this with him for a long time and there’s a big difference between hiring some new devs and making an entirely new team to make something new

Maybe I’m way off and maybe they will do this soon but I personally doubt it and I don’t think much is going to change, at least anytime soon and the long waits are just something that is always going to be a thing when it comes to these types of games

Based of nothing but memory, while SoT had a rocky launch in terms of reviews/content I don’t remember it doing badly in temr sof engagement

Obviously GP helped with that but GP doesn’t guarantee success either