Xbox Game Studios |OT| it me you’re looking for?

I can’t wait to see what FH4 looks like on series x. Probably be the first game I fire up

Same here! It should look very close or on par with PC, so that should be very clean, very crisp, and of course the lovely 60fps.

but but but… true next gen gameplay doesn’t matter, crossgen gameplay is fine :doge: :doge:

Jeff said the embargo is lifting today on things. So I assume he means more new games like Yakuza LAD, hopefully ACV en WDL. It’s time for some actual impressive stuff because I’m sorry…Dirt 5 ain’t it chief. I’m sure 120fps is nice, but when it looks significantly worse (understatement) than FH4 and honestly many racers overall…not good.

the only thing impressive on that list is WDL with raytracing

But for all we know it’s going to be in 1080p. I read that DMC5 is 1080p with raytracing. If true, sounds like raytracing is very resource heavy on hardware. But you don’t find ACV impressive? I really want to see the 4K/60fps gameplay of that. :slight_smile:

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I’m having an issue with Monster Hunter on my One X. Ever since I got the new dashboard, the game isn’t recognizing my DLC and add-ons. I have uninstalled them, re-installed them, triple-checked that all of them are, in fact, installed, and still, no dice.

EDIT: And then immediately after I posted, I moved it all to my external, and that seems to work. NO IDEA why that would be. I’d rather have the game on my internal, but whatever works I guess. I won’t be playing my One X ever again after Nov 10th anyway.

As far i know XSX won’t get DMC5 raytracing on launch day while the PS5 Have it day 1, DMC5 on XSX will get a patch to add raytracing. it could be weeks or it could months of waiting

as for ACV it’s good but it look the same as pervious Two ASS Creed games

They want Game Pass to be the Netflix of gaming so they need more studios. I think Satya and Phil don’t want to depend on 3rd party publishers/studios to keep GP alive because 3rd parties will ask for more money to put their games on GP. I think we will see 2 AAA games every month from XGS in the future, Game Pass is the future of gaming. Don’t underestimate Microsoft’s ambition.

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LOL, really? So Sony has timed exclusivity on freaking game tech features now too? Ahahahha. OK MS you know what to do, buy the raytracing tech. J/K, but sjeesh.

DMC5 is 4K/30fps with RT or 1080p/60fps.

No i don’t think it is exclusive patch, either they got XSX Devkit late because MS wanted to wait For Full RDNA 2 or Devs Having problems on XSX XDK

Ray Tracing drops the frame rate? Well, then no worries, I’d go with the high framrate. I mean, it’s not a game I’m gonna play anyway, but still, that’s what I would do.

Sony had Hellblade exclusive for a while, uncertain if Xbox was on the cards. Then MS bought Ninja Theory.

Sony made deals for Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo and tried to make Starfield timed exclusive…MS bought Zenimax.

Once Sony appears in front of Strauss Zelnick and tries to make a deal for timed exclusivity for GTA 6, MS should visit them too and just well…

buy em! :wink:


For me it’s going to be:

Destiny 2: Beyond Light

Watch Dogs Legion

Cyberpunk 2077

Bright Memory

And Demon Souls on PS5.

Going to be an epic month in which I haven’t enough time to play everything I want :smiley:

Any news on The Ascent?

Still saying “Coming 2020”

Would be such an awesome title to fill that launch time Geometry Wars/Resogun launch shooter itch.


Let’s Hope ACV runs at stable 60fps

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Xbox Series X retail boxes are out

I remember seeing AC Origins during that E3 on Xbox One X, loved how that looked. That was the right way to show off XSX power. Really want to see Valhalla.


Probably the best news today