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Wouldn’t motorsport be done before horizon 5 ? Its been in development longer and was shown off already

I could dig that. Sounds like they want to do story expansions so that could be cool. I also would find it weird if horizon 5 was 2022 as Playground have been so efficient at developing games, but, maybe they’re also re-imagining the game. I would love it if they introduced motorbikes in 5.

As someone else mentioned, Spencer did say that it was early in development so im not expecting Motorsport until Fall 2022 at the earliest. Plus, im pretty sure they created a new engine for next gen or at least, I think they did.

As for Horizon, it’s the bigger and better racing franchise plus Playground is very efficient so it could be them in 2021 and Motorsport in 2022.

Halo Infinite will be the first game in the series that I will have ever played so if beat the entire game, I would definitely like to see story expansions because im not an online multi-player gamer so anything that’s focused towards that just isn’t for me.

I agree in regards to Horizon 5. I would like to see Playground add police chases but not during races. Instead, when you’re free driving in the open world. Would add variety to the game and make exploring the open world more interesting.

Yeah I agree. Tbh most of these non narrative based games should be migrating to a platform based future since it seems to make sense for development.

Not XGS related but I’ve been saying for a while now that Madden, 2K and FIFA should switch to be platform based titles. It’ll never happen because the money they make is too good, but I imagine a lot of madden fans and developers would be happier getting their game updated with all the new rosters and shit via “seasons” and the devs team would love being able to iterate without being restricted to traditional yearly release cycles


I would hope for Fable, Forza Horizon 5: Japan for Spring 2022 and Avowed for Fall 2022, that would be amazing.

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Of all the games mentioned maybe Forza Horizon 5 makes the most sense. Hellblade took 3 years to develop and that game is surely less ambitious than what they are doing with Hellblade 2. Forza Motorsports is still in early development. I also don’t see Fable releasing next year either.

I really hope MS planned accordingly not to have a dry year in 2021. The first year of a console is crucial.

Regarding these games as a “platform”, I think it only makes sense if these games can receive major graphical overhauls over time or they may look outdated compared to more recent offerings.

Alot of playgrounds efficiency comes from turn 10s efficiency. At the end of the day turn 10 created the gameplay part of horizon and all the car assets. Leaving playground to really focus on all the open world aspects and game modes. The 2 studios together operate like a well oiled machine. I still see forza motorsport coming out fall 2021 and would be surprised if playground aren’t helping them create all new track assets. While turn 10 focuses on the cars and redoing all the car physics to be an all out simulator

Honestly, I didn’t even know Turn 10 did that much for Playground. I thought they used the same game engine and that both did their own stuff and that’s it.

I can’t see Motorsport as Fall 2021 because Spencer said very early in development and they didn’t show any actual gameplay. Guess we’ll see but im not expecting it until Fall 2022 to be honest.

Yeah, police chases would be cool. It’d be nice to see someone else tackle that kind of gameplay because need for speed hasn’t been satisfying in years.

Well, to be fair, the Xbox One had the better exclusives (BY FAR) in the first year and that didnt help much, i think that Game Pass can make the hard lift thanks to the momentum it has gained recently.

The Xbox One shot itself in the foot with catastrophic PR, forced Kinect, and weaker hardware. That can destroy any advantage they had regarding games.


As Resist pointed out, the games didn’t matter when they had such a dark cloud over the brand for the first few years. I seriously hope they aren’t going to rely on Game Pass to make up for any potential lack of software in the first year. Game Pass is not the silver bullet to all of their problems. They need to continue to have new software into the service for it to be a selling point. They also need people to have a reason to buy into their system to even subscribe to Game Pass.

Phil talked about having a more spread out and consistent flow of 1st party titles instead of front loading everything in the launch window to monopolize into each other. I know he knows what he’s doing, I just hope we see their plans for the first year soon. You’d think that’s what their showcase event would have highlighted since they typically don’t show games years out. However that doesn’t seem to be the case now.

I think Hellblade 2 is a 2022 title as NT entered full production for it last year. For 2021, I can see Forza Motorsport making it, but it could also may as well be a 2022 title as it seems that Turn 10 is lending a hand to 343 to finish Halo Infinite in time for this holiday.

2022 & 2023 are going to be big years for Xbox, but 2021 looks to be quite empty when it comes to big games from XGS.

Hey everyone! I was a longtime lurker on resetera like many others but decided to make an account and join in the fun here!

As of right now, Fable is definitely my most anticipated first party title. I loved the first three and can’t wait to see how they evolve the franchise in this new entry.


First thing I’d like to say is… Is tonky here, we need him and regis to go back and forth again

Second thing, I can’t take all the timed exclusive talk I. The Xbox thread ( plus the slowly slipping in racism, not the Xbox thread ,but the site in general) of resetera


I hope MS fks right off with timed exclusives like Sony is doing. Invest money into your own first party, thankfully I don’t see MS fighting super hard for timed exclusives because anything they get is going to have to be on Game Pass Day One. So I doubt will ever see a Rise of the Tomb Raider caliber game as a timed exclusive from Xbox. Rise of TR cost $20 million for a year exclusivity deal and IMO didn’t pay off. Its not like people ran off to go buy Xbox One’s for it. Better to have invested that money, expand your first party etc

It definitely feels like MS is more interested in expanding and controlling their own content which is what’s going to make Game Pass successful and won’t leave MS at the mercy of third party devs and publishers. They already got burned badly when EA bought Bioware.

I hope 343i goes through some serious restructuring. Playground, Obsidian, Rare, Compulsion, InXile, Ninja Theory, Double Fine all seem to have amazing company cultures, the employees are well taken care of, little to no crunch and morale seems at an all time high.

343i should be on the same level as ReSpawn. I hope now that Halo Infinite is going service based, that they can focus more on re-structuring the studio since they won’t have to hammer down on full AAA releases every 3-4 years. Having 200-400 full time developers will probably help cultivate AAA level talent rather than the revolving door method that 343i is currently using.

I really think that Asobo is going to eventually join XGS after Flight Simulator is done, I know they have another game in the work with Focus but that didn’t stop MS from acquiring other devs and in fact they usually help out with those pre-existing projects, look at Wasteland 3 and Psychonauts for example.


Welp, might be a long wait then, I don’t see me buying 2 xbox series x with just a year of difference. So i might wait then, at least the game are going to be even better than the first one. So i’m fine with it. About the forza subject, i’m not really into the franchise, is not forza per se, i don’t like racing games as a whole. But i hope it turns well. Maybe one day i give it a try in gamepass

Did MS & Mistwalker have some type of falling out? That’s a easy japan studio for them to purchase yet nothing has come of it, only reason I can see for not acquiring them is they are small and would have to be built up.


Oh I think he’s more of a filmic Rand than a verified Rand.

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As I always said every time someone suggested this, I think it goes diametrically opposite to what Horizon is. Horizon is a celebration of music and cars, a big party all about the fun. Cops are pretty much opposite to that. If you add an antagonistic element it’s not all happy and fun. If there’s more NfS or Burnout yes, but it doesn’t fit on a Horizon in my opinion

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