Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

I think the chances are very low. Did Spike Chunsoft ever release games on Xbox ?

And the creative leads of Danganronpa and Zero Escape are now at Too Kyo Games.

Why does it matter? It is not like Yakuza games were ever on Xbox either. Or even Stadia for that matter.

I forgot that you can moneyhat everything like Stadia did with NIS. My mistake. :money_with_wings:

OUTRIDERS tonight bay-bee!

Mario dies today, Radioactive Lizard vs Giant Monke and Outriders on GamePass.

What a day!

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And apparently a lot of us are moving to Auckland, temporarily

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Hope I see some Hobbits. I hear they live in NZ.

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Didnā€™t realize Narita Boy was coming out soon, I see itā€™s available on gamepass

It finally happened. I forgot about the last day for when gamepass renews and it auto renewed and took the money even though I was intending to unsub lol. But who woulda thought march would go this hard? Nier Automata alone was making me have second thoughts on unsubbing.

Wasted a few dollars tho as I wanted to shift back to pc gamepass from ultimate which is useless on pc right now anyway.

If I cancel or stop gamepass renewal, Iā€™ll still be able to play until the end of the month before losing access right?

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Thatā€™s their secret strategy: keep you too busy playing to have the time to unsub.


Yes! You can unsub anytime. The month you already paid for wonā€™t be interrupted.

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Cool, thanks guys!

Given the success Outriders is facing since it was announced as a Game Pass title, it is more guaranteed than ever that we will see more third-party day one AAA games.

Is it doing well? Thatā€™s good to hear if itā€™s a bellwether! Iā€™d like to think that my extremely minor contribution of playing through the prologue for rewards points was the clincher.

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Yeah! Look at the interest people had in the game before and after the Demo + Game Pass combo:

It is also the biggest Square Enix launch on Steam ever ā€“ by far!

The Game Pass deal turned out to be better than that Avengersā€™ nonsense ā€œcharacter limited behind a consoleā€


I should have known youā€™d have the receipts :laughing: I particularly hope youā€™re right on that last point. It would be a wonderful repudiation of the Avengers situation, which I find super distasteful. The Game Pass deal doesnā€™t take anything away from anyone, and outright provides the full game to certain people at no additional cost! Itā€™s bananas how diametrically opposed they are.

Even if itā€™s a three-month deal like RDR2 or whatever, I hope the effect it has is felt throughout the industry.


It would be cool if Xbox/Gamepass gave out those metrics. I just think itā€™s cool to read that stuff. I find it interesting to look at top selling/top played games on the different platforms and Gamepass

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The metrics seem to be for devs only so far. I donā€™t expect that to change for some time.

Iā€™m not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem that involves trying to redeem a gamepass code. When I try to redeem the code it just says something went wrong, it doesnā€™t say the code is invalid or itā€™s Xboxā€™s fault it just says something went wrong. Iā€™m wondering if anyone here has had something similar happen and how did you fix it?