Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

There’s no connections and even the characters act somewhat different for the most part. I think def worth the check and don’t need to know much about series to appreciate it


My October is set with Mirage and Spider Man 2. My November is now also set. Will play Like a Dragon Ishin first since it’s a remaster of an older game and then Like a Dragon Gaiden.

Gaming life is good!!!


Yep, I’m gonna avoid Gaiden too. I haven’t even finished 0 yet. :expressionless:

OK that’s good to know! Thanks.

Yeah, Gaiden should cover between what happens between 6 and 7. Definitely be careful about spoilers though, I stupidly tried to look up what the difference was between editions for 8 and got hit with a massive spoiler.

For my part, I’m hanging up Starfield for a bit, maybe until mods hit Xbox. I’ve been putting off Sea of Stars, which I’ve been excited about since I tried the demo. I’ve had my eye on Cocoon for quite a while now too, so that’ll be fun. It’s apparently 4-5 hours according to howlongtobeat so I might move it up.

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So I added this Game Pass bundle to my wish list. Pulled it up and had a Just for You deal!

Scored for $10. Instant buy.



Even without the Just For You deal, it’s only $16 if you’re a GamePass subscriber thanks to the 20% discount. Such a great deal, made even sweeter through discount or special offers.

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So I added it to my wishlist around 75 minutes ago, played some other games, then turned the console off for a while. I redeemed some Reward points for $25 credits in the meantime. I turned it on now and it showed me a “Just For You” offer of $8 (plus 8% local taxes)! The offer said valid for the next 29 days.

Instant buy.

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It’s a crazy deal

Just played 3 hours of Ghotam Knights… This game is not bad, just Bland. The world is dull, combat is also dull and no where as good as the rocksteady batman games, the quests are dull and the whole go out to the world and grind a bit to progress the story also seems a bit silly.

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But everything you just mentioned is negative, so what is there that you did like? :slight_smile:

Since you said it’s not bad.

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I mean it’s pretty mid to me too but you can play it and see for yourself, costs nothing and you might like it. I didn’t think it was any worse than Hogwarts but that one got a lot of attention and praise so…

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Its not bad in the sense that its serviceable but has nothing unique going for it for me to continue. In my mind bad game is where it doesnt function or has annoying game play mechanics etc but Ghotam knights is not that.

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After that crazy ending Im not sure were the go should they announce a D4 in the future, as you said, that was the perfect ending to the franchise.

Now I’m addicted to Munster Hunter Rise :nerd_face:


For anybody interested.


New Commandos? Oh shiiiiit, please be good!

Hopefully the movement/controls are like Desperados 3 and Shadow Tactics on console, and not with a cursor because that just doesn’t work well for controllers. The HD remasters didn’t play great, so please don’t mess this up.

And it’s Game Pass!

It doesn’t get better unfortunately. Have to agree the missions are just so bland along with the combat and I really dislike how they do the day night cycle.

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So my brother is the primary GPU user, only he can see those personal deals/offers on Xbox, right?

Is this found in the deals section? He sadly doesn’t live nearby, so I can’t check it out myself. Or can he also see this via the Xbox site?

i think the only account who signs gamepass will see the deals