Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

So, pretty awful first day for Payday 3, the game didn’t even work. Another showcase on why always online is bad. PD2 let you play solo offline lobbies, why is this game 100% dependent on matchmaking? I’d have gotten a refund if I’d actually bought it.

I hope people still buy Infinite Wealth instead of waiting for gamepass. This gamepass deal helps me out a lot because I was going to buy gaiden, but now can put funds towards yakuza 8

I 100% will, as I like to play Premium Adventure mode for the games at a later date.

I was debating on buying Gaiden at launch in any case, due to the pre-order bonuses (even though they’re not that great), but the small print in the Xbox store description says that “it may be available for purchase at a later date”. So, I’m going to assume that means theydefinitly will!

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For the attack part have you tried using different handles? There quite a few I’ve found that speed up your attacks. The dodge doesn’t have much distance so the timing for the i-frames is very important. I’ve tended to try and time my blocks because it doesn’t use up stamina when you get it right. Also there’s an upgrade that does improve your dodge

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Just finished all Danganronpa games and watched the anime…and now Im feeling empty :c

BTW: GOD BLESS GAMEPASS!!! wouldnt been able to discover these fantastic games otherwise.


I’m with you in that I would never have tried the games without Game Pass. I finished v3 a few weeks ago and am currently watching the anime to get my fix, though I think the franchise has had the perfect end

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Finished all 3 games and damn what a series none of my friends would even try out the games… was trying to explain how good the story was but nah not their style


If these two are good, I think this year’s Game Pass will overtake 2021 for me.


Same here, I’m trying to cancel my Gaiden pre-order so I can put that towards 8.

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GOTY 2022 is getting a new update.


Games leaving this first round of October:

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Turnip Boy was fun and pretty short, and I think they patched the glitches that prevented getting all achievements. Looking forward to the sequel whenever that comes out.


Good, nothing I need to worry about completing. Safe for another two weeks!


Cocoon is such a top level Day One game.


Excellent game with some real head scratching puzzles. Finished it last night and by the end my brain was cooked

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Leaving October 15

  • Eville (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • Overwhelm (PC)
  • Shenzhen I/O (PC)
  • The Legend of Tianding (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • Trek to Yomi (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (Cloud, Console, and PC)

The weekend will be me juggling between The Lamplighters League, WH40K Darktide, Forza Motorsport and Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

It’s the most packed weekend ever for me. It’s madness and I love it !

Very strong month when it comes to big releases.

I will hold off with Ishin for now, because it does have characters that are in the Yakuza games, even though story wise it has no relation.

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These three months have been probably the best in Game Pass history. I have so much that interests me in there it’s crazy, and Darktide finally releasing on console took them long enough :skull:


I’m playing Ishin but not Gaiden because that’s related story apparently and I only I played 0.

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