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Since it’s gonna leave Game Pass pretty soon, go play Paradise Killer. Completed it in 2 days and it was an incredible experience. Highly recommended.


I’m interested! What type of game is it?

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It’s an investigative murder adventure game. It’s structured like Danganrompa 1 and 3. You explore a city in 1st person mode to find clues and by talking to people. Once you are satisfied with the clues you found, you can start the trial.

Unlike Danganrompa though, you are completely free to accuse anyone and, as long as you have the right clues, sentence them. It’s more akin to Pendiment in the accusation aspect, but here there is a “real” culprit instead of being “what you feel” the culprit is, like Pentiment.


Played it today but boy oh boy there’s a lot of text, way more than even Danganronpa it felt to me. And that story right from the start seems all over the place? The main character having been stuck inside a room for like a million days or something?

It seems like the kind of game I really need to take the time out for. Danganronpa definitely clicked with me.

Its like if an open world platforming game like Crackdown had a child with a visual novel like Ace Attorney. You investigate a murder mystery and have to find clues and interview suspects on a ‘paradise’ island. You can run, jump and dash almost everywhere and find secrets.

You can take your time, find all clues and deliver the judgment to the guilty people or you can speedrun the game in 8 minutes.

Oh, did i mention this game has a killer vaporwave soundtrack?

The story and characters are definitely weird and insane.

It took me way longer to finish Danganronpa (40+ hours). I’m also pretty sure Paradise Killer has less text and dialog.


It might be something I will appreciate, but I need to really sit down for it and take the time. Maybe I’ll do that if it ever gets re-added or I buy it in the sale.

Also tried some Kentucky Route Zero, but I’m not sure about this one. I like these kind of games but I have no idea what this story is supposed to be.

You liked it? :slight_smile:

It’s probably just like paradise killer a game I need to be in the mood for. I saw these were leaving, so decided to see what it’s about.


I’m playing it now and it’s not very good. Some of the ideas are neat, but it’s sooooo draaaaaaaawn ooooooout. I’m not an impatient man, but this had me considering giving up which doesn’t happen often, almost never.

Afaik it was released one chapter at a time back in the day, and yeah I can see playing one chapter every couple years might be bearable. Might.


I really appreciated Game Pass when I played Kentucky Route Zero. Loved that game.

But if you didn’t like how it starts, I don’t think you’ll change your mind later.

And definitely don’t rush it, the fun is in the journey.

I will be real Exoprimal looks like a play and delete after a few days game, and I think live service games shouldn’t be full price (I know it’s on GP)

But it was probably realistically the only Capcom game MS could get day 1 and I don’t mind them getting it if it means improving relationships between MS and Capcom (not that I think they have a bad one, no, always room for improvement though).

Damn that was fast.


the right mood for KRZ is beeing high (like the devs were in some parts for sure).

it was released over more than 7 (seven!) years. Drawn out - The Game basically.

And i have no idea how anybody remembered the names of the cast after a couple of years between chapters, lol.


Drugs might be the key then yeah, lol.

Finished now at least, got the last achievements which of course also had to be annoying.

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I’ll try it, like i try any game on Gamepass.

Here I thought I was about to play something amazing earlier today when I started it. I could swear I had read tons of praise about this one.


Try it and form your own opinion, it might suit you better than it did me who knows. It has an 84-88 MC score, but yeah…

This came out in 2013 (act i) and was one of the first artsy walking sim games with a weird narrative experience. There was only Dear Esther before in 2012 and compared to that KRZ is indeed a masterpiece.

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