Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

Either we do or not and if not, I can see how they’ll take advantage of February, the shortest month, and get back in order once March comes around.

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So February 2 has

Darkest Dungeon, Grid Legends (cloud)

Feb 7 has Hot Wheels.

For first halve February that seems on the very small side, so i guess there could be more announced for the first half. We know the second half will have Atomic Heart.

Shadow drop is possible; just don’t think Hi-Fi level.

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Well, next tuesday is January 31st. The first Tuesday in February is the 7th :sweat_smile:


Will they actually relaease Hot Wheels on February 7th or will it be delayed again.

they delayed the game one day after the announcement on December (probably that mistake cost the 2st wave of December), its been two days after the announcement and no delay. i guess the hot wheels will come to stay.

I absolutely love the idea of keeping a game under wraps and shadow-dropping it, since I’m the type of person who doesn’t enjoy the hype cycle. I’m eager to get to Hi-Fi Rush, but I do hope this doesn’t inspire people to start saying stuff like:

“Only x titles announced for this GP drop, they must have some first-party shadowdrops!”

That will only lead to frustration and resentment!

Hehe, yeah the beauty of shadow drops are that they are rare.


Honestly, I don’t we will see any shadow drops like that for years. I just don’t think there are enough smaller games being developed for that to happen again.

I don’t know, I think there are probably lots of smaller games like this. We had what, three just last year.

But these shadow drops should be rare for other reasons, the rarity is a big part of it all.

Todd Howard will do his deep dive, throughout the whole show there’s a countdown timer and nobody knows what it is. Then once Godd is done he says now comes the moment you’ve been waiting for, he reveals the release date the countdown timer goes to zero and Todd says Starfield has lift off. It’s out.

It would be the one shadow drop to rule them all


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Yeah right! Look I just think Hi-Fi Rush was more of a special occasion rather than a thread setter.

It would be amazing to get it more often, but we shouldn’t expect it. True.

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Starfield Shadow dropping would be talk about for 30 years to come. They would lose out on so much pre orders but the shock of the shadow drop and word of mouth i think would outweight the lost in pre order money. It would trend number 1 worldwide and break the internet lol

It is clear they are experimenting with releases. Grounded was a early access release and iterated over years and was a huge success. Forza Horizon 5 has had two years of live service content and is going strong. Halo… Didn’t. Pentiment was announced and released in two months. Hifi Rush was shadow dropped.

Who knows what they’ll do next, but with the other big AAA games we are seeing some lead in time, and for good reason - hype isn’t just among us, it allows for billboards and ads.

Regardless of the release method, the five games you mentioned all reviewed well (above 85 on OpenCritic aside from Grounded at 83) and are all permanently available on GP.

I wanted to make a point about how nice it is to be in the ecosystem, but MS remains a bit inconsistent with features sadly :frowning_face:

All but Hi-Fi Rush are Play Anywhere.

All but Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment are cloud-enabled.

Uncertainty aside, it’s starting to feel to me like MS are really getting all their ducks in a row and I’m thrilled to see it! I do hope they add those features in later, because Hi-Fi Rush seems like the exact kind of game that would get people interested in Game Pass, and playing it without any hardware investment would make it all the sweeter.

(I haven’t played it yet so I’m not sure if the gameplay would suffer from being streamed)


How does it usually take for EA games to hit gamepass. I want to play dead space but the 70$ price tag is a bit crazy for a 12-15 hour remake.

Will probably buy Jedi survivor tho, I don’t think I can wait 6 months+ to play that, unless I’ve got great games to play.

I am also curious to know which games have 10 hour trail on EA Play?

Guess it’s not every game

Typically 6-9 months, waiting is a no brainer for me


I usually wait as well.