Xbox First Party games going to 70$

I don’t know think this industry price increase is about offering something in return in terms of quality or developer compensation, it appears they just think it’s the standard that should’ve been long ago. Like they were losing money on $60 games or something, lol.

I hope this industry uinionizes soon, that’s the best chance of fair developer compensation and healthy work standards.

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Based on this year, they do far more sales than PS and Nintendo. We should be fine. I mean it took this Black Friday for PS5 to actually touch $29.99 and those games were from last year and a half.

Let’s see with their next-gen games which are gonna be $70 now

Yeah that’s what I mean, I hope it’s just for the first 2-3 of years of the gen. On PS4 I got PS exclusives for $20-30 fairly close after their release.

I got a good feeling about it. We’ll wait and see.

Sucks but this was allowed thanks to people buying games on playstation at that price. Anyway, good way of making sure we stay on gamepass. Even with an increased price on the sub, in the future, it will still be more worth than spending thousands for a bunch of games that I might not even like.

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