Xbox Developer Direct returns on January 23rd, 2025

It looks like AVowed shaped up nicely and the latest preview have been pretty awesome. Looks like this one could be a hit and has avoided negative meme territory.


Yeah I saw that SkillUp is really happy about it, Iā€™m guessing heā€™s played it. Heā€™s usually a bit on the critical side (if thatā€™s the right word) which is fine, so thatā€™s cool.

All Iā€™ve ever seen of SkillUp is him just being critical of everything, so I doubt him being happy is nothing but a cover for when he does hus ā€˜honest opinion videoā€™.


Yep, standard Xbox-hate grifter affair.


I wish I could even have a fraction of the money the Gaming Media makes on hating on Xbox, it is pretty ridiculous. I bet all the Starfield bashing articles from PC gamer could pay off my house.


I bet he will be so much more disappointed because ā€œhe was excited about the gameā€ when the full game ā€œwill fall short of his expectationsā€!

Question is why people watch someone like skillup and take his opinion seriously about anything but to each their ownā€¦ :man_shrugging:


I like Skill Up. People need to remember that not everyone is going to like/enjoy what they themselves like. With that said, Skill Up loved Indiana Jones for the most part and wishes games would be more like this instead of open world heavily bloated 100 hour sink fests. And he pretty much hated TLOU 2 so I have no issues with Skill Up because on these two games alone, I agree with him completely. :slight_smile:


Even a broken clock is right twice a day e.t.c. Personally I canā€™t stand the guy as itā€™s the case with most of the popular gaming youtubers nowadays but as I said above to each their own. :man_shrugging:


Thereā€™s a massive difference between not liking someone because you donā€™t agree with them, versus not liking someone because theyā€™re a misery merchant that often deals in disinformation (which applies to the vast majority of YTers, frankly). Letā€™s stop attributing a false assumption as to why people donā€™t like a thing, as is their right.


What I find very disturbing as an older person is modern criticism. It seems like everyone wants to ā€œkeep it realā€ and the only way to ā€œkeep it realā€ is to hate something. LA Weekly use to have a food critic name Jonathan Gold (he passed away a few years ago). He always said he ate at a lot of good places and a lot of bad places, but he was only interested in writing about the good places because he wanted to spread joy. We seem to have lost that in our modern chasing of internet clout.


Somehow I dodged the rumor that came from WC which I assume itā€™s from Jez, but I somehow bump into one that talks about the 5th game being a title drop. Itā€™s an old game but one that can tell everyone that publisher is serious about ending exclusivity for a platform.

SE? My guess is FF16.

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You know, he may know things but I believe he kept it to himself. Thatā€™s how they should be. Anyway, I canā€™t wait.

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Just loaded reddit and the first thing that comes up is that Jez is leaking more info. I know itā€™s his job, but even when he says he wonā€™t he just canā€™t help it.

I think Klob is perhaps the only guy who respect the business when you think about it.


Yea doom and gloom for the Xbox brand have probably paid for many peoples houses in gaming media.

Tired of people trying to profit off of peoples fears and misery


You can write about bad things too, I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily a negative thing to do.

The negative thing to do is to uncritically attach yourself to hype (good and bad), to repetitive narratives that donā€™t explain nearly as much as they pretend, and equating bland cynicism with healthy scepticism.

I still think we get another game in this direct, just like the other two. I just do not know how or who it could be. If am honest, i kinda wanna see a brand new gaming studio reveal their game here, maybe Gas Giant Studio, Gravity Well or even Red Info Ltd.

I donā€™t get why FF would be there on the show with just a port announcement. Does not make sense for a developer direct. The game is already out there, what does devs need to tell us about it more to us?

We have unannounced game and then we will have a 5th surprise game as well.

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Maybe the unannounced game is Square Enix and FF16 is a surprise add on to that segment. And maybe a commitment to FF7 Remake(s).

The only thing we know about developer direct is that theyā€™ve changed it each time lol.