Xbox + Bethesda Showcase Leaks... Seriously this is where the leaks/rumors/spoilers go!

Here guys, have some, just in case :clown_face: :clown_face:


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Holy fuck why is he doubling down.

From Avowed having a trailer ready for the 2021 but TOU2 getting the trailer by miscommunication to today where Avowed is closer to 2023 release it canā€™t be on the showcase

Perfect summer game mess speculations these are

At some point folks need to wise up and start ignoring certain people because they have shown they can not be objective and have their own agenda to spin.


Yupā€¦ He did it purposely to put damper on Xbox hype



Heā€™s saying Avellone broke the news of some leadership leaving, which is partly true though people also knew that from Linkedin stalking. He didnā€™t say Avellone was his source.

(Yall are really making me defend J.Schreier of all people :matrick_emote:)

Iā€™m not surprised at all.

But yet people like TimDog, Tim Warren, and other people of the same ilk are thrown around this place constantly just for the LOLzā€¦.

I say we shouldnā€™t throw stones in a glass house but thatā€™s just meā€¦.:man_shrugging:t2:

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Anyway Iā€™m firmly on the Avowed is a q4 2023 release train.


any chance of Perfect Dark gameplay? it was announced in December 2020 FYI, there should be more than enough time for them to show off Perfect Dark at this showcase

Makes senseā€¦.1 big RPG at each end of the yearā€¦

You dont see me holding up any of those. Always remain skeptical and question everyoneā€™s motives, especially when some are so easy to read.


I meanā€¦I donā€™t exactly care for JS but Iā€™m not gonna sit around and act like he has some grand conspiracy in mind to destroy XBox or something.

But to each their own I guessā€¦.


anxiety is hitting, I shouldā€™nt have drank 2 4c energy rush drink mixers


Jason would have a much easier time dealing with the Xbox community if he didnā€™t have such a thinly veiled dislike for it. Heā€™s thin skinned and petty at the best of times his dog about getting info from PR people is such an obvious ā€œthese insiders arenā€™t real insiders and I amā€ dig that itā€™s just a total eye roll. So many established games journalists seem to have a problem with people like Jez or Rand and itā€™s totally uncalled for. For most of the last nine years there has been virtually no one reporting on or following Xbox news. Now that the platform is healthier and thereā€™s more interest and excitement it just feels like sour grapes that the community is choosing to get its news elsewhere. Especially when the other major platform holder they chose to focus on isnā€™t exciting at all at the moment.


Donā€™t know what would be the outcome of todayā€™s show ā€¦ But everyone should keep in mind that Avowed and Motorsport were never given a release year

So better check your comments before criticising any of them

Its nothing grand, its the simpliest and most basic behavior at the lowest level: he just hates on Microsoft because theyā€™re in same market as Sony.


Jason however, loves Obsidian Entertainment. He broke the Obsidian story and has always been fond of the crpg genre. I never really see him bad mouth the company either.