Xbox announces Developer_Direct for January 18th - Indiana Jones, Avowed, Hellblade II and more

I think the big space between Indy and Hellblade gave it away from the announcement.

It is crazy to think that it’s just January and we will already likely know of 5 first party games just in 2024… Can you imagine this 5 years ago?

EDIT: Technically COD is a 6th first party game in November.


Technically we know about 7, you forgot about Flight Sim 24. And no, 5 years ago it would have been impossible.


Ah yes Flight Sim too :exploding_head:!!

It really makes you wonder how many titles they have in development! There’s going to be some crazy years ahead.

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Considering they announced Indiana Jones even if nobody expected it (like the other titles announced years ago and went MIA), I think it will be an unannounced game, otherwise, why not saying it in the blog post?


A LOT. Dozens.

We already know about at least a dozen and that’s just games that are announced, not even games that are leaked or that we know are happening otherwise.

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It would suggest there’s loads.

I can’t remember the exact quote, however Matt Booty previously suggested they had so much he was struggling to schedule/plan the releases.

If they are releasing potentially 7 or more first party games this year, do we think they will keep that up or revert to one per quarter like they originally targeted?

If they keep up this volume we may need multiple developer directs per year! Especially if they continue acquiring as they originally stated.

They’re going to have to start releasing multiple AAA games a quarter. Maybe not EVERY quarter, but fairly consistently, especially over the next 2-3 years.

I fully expect 2025 to be even better than 2024.


It will honestly be crazy if they do! Based on what we know of 2024 so far I wonder how they can top it. The summer showcase is going to be amazing - that’s for sure!

I think in 2025 we get Fable, State of Decay 3, Perfect Dark, The Outer Worlds 2, Contraband, Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight (if it isn’t this year) and Forza Horzon 6, with maybe Perfect Dark being swapped out for Gears or Everwild depending on what’s ready. That would probably be the best lineup in Xbox history if even two thirds of those games land next year.


When you put it like that!

If Gears appears too then yeah Holy Sh… :exploding_head:

Not intending to change your mind but facts are facts, those sections were included to simulate Pareidolia that is said to be more commonly experienced by those experiencing psychosis.

How well it was gamified is of course debatable but not the reason they are included.

Lets hope that in the sequel they find a more engaging way to simulate psychosis for you.


Boy, am I glad the show starts at 3 pm EST and not 4. 4 is when I leave from work, so 3 is good way to end the hard day work.


Crazy lineup. You could maybe even add Project Odyssey, Blizzard survival game, or iD Software next game (Doom Eternal released in March 2020).


2025/2026 gonna be stacked beyond anything we’ve ever had before

2024 is already looking really good but if FH6 isn’t this year it’s almost certainly next year which will only adds to how crazy next year should be

This year’s June show should be real juicy

Yeah, when you factor in ABK it’s even more ridiculous.

Gears and id’s game could literally land whenever between like 2024 and 2026 haha.

It still hasn’t sunk in that this year’s Call of Duty is an Xbox game. With even what they’re announcing tomorrow, and the live service games, this year is a banner year for Xbox.


I think in 2025 they can publish three games each quarter, considering the number of announced and unannounced titles. It’s one game each month, dream scenario and I guess their ultimate goal.


As of now, Microsoft has 19 first party games announced. Out of the 19 games, I can see 6 releasing this year -

  • Ara: History Untold (PC)
  • Avowed
  • Flight Simulator 2024
  • Hellblade 2: Senua’s Saga
  • Indiana Jones
  • Towerborne

And that doesn’t include COD 2024 as it hasn’t been officially announced yet so on paper, looks like 7 first party games will be releasing in 2024.


Remember no Activision/blizzard so keep it to XGS and Bethesda.

I’m here for a new Viva Pinata baby!


I hope Avowed has improved animations.