Xbox Acquisition |OT6| If this is about competition, let us have competition

and Absobo and IOI annnnd Team Cherry :slight_smile: Id love for them to get the subnautica developer but they are owned by another company

I would personally love to see xbox aquire the company that made the surge games . give them the resources to make a proper soulslike . they were close but just fall short each time. you can tell they like that genera

Focus Entertainment own Deck13. Extremely unlikely acquisition.


I forgot about that game but yeah, another reason for Microsoft to acquire them as soon as possible.


Thankfully, Deck 13’s next game is Atlas Fallen which releases in August and is an action RPG with real time combat and fast paced similar to DMC. I’m very happy that it’s NOT a souls game. Too many games are souls or rogue like and I don’t like either. Hehehehe. And as Legendary said, Focus owns them.



Gravity Well is a no brainer

Buy SEGA and launch the DreamBox for the next generation. “Power Your Dreams” must become a reality! Beyond that, I am 100% for the acquisition of partners. Certain Affinity and Asobo are obviously at the top of the list. There is so much talent in this industry, the options for growing the Xbox family are amazing. Let’s get excited for the future


It never to early to plan Japan acquisition talks.


I personally wouldn’t wanna have acquisition talks at 5.30 in the morning.


@howlingmosquito @KakkaKarrotKake True true all I’m saying is that I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Japanese acquisition happening from Microsoft in the coming years but…

Phil please put a ring to CA for the love of GOD!! If theres a studio I would really “like” Xbox to acquire is this one! MAKE IT HAPPEN PHIL!!!

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They are obviously forging a plan to acquire Square Enix.

Strike the iron while it’s hot!

I don’t think this would count as an acquisition, but the other day Facebook let go a lot of Ready At Dawn’s staff, including the founding leader, so it might be smart for Microsoft to give them a job.

When RAD was created it worked on Playstation IP’s, so it would be cool to see these people get to work on Xbox IP’s and put a new spin on an old forgotten Xbox IP.


SEGA will go home


If MS got SEGA all of my favorites would be first party between them and Bethesda studios. (Other than Nintendo of course)


Out of the major Japanese Pub’s, Square is the least that i want. They have signed so many exclusive deals with Sony, that if Xbox buy them? still not getting FF7R or FF16. Imagine owning them and still not getting the game cause of the contract for the whole Gen lol. It will be a horrible look for PR and such.

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Assuming everything from here continues to go well, I can actually see Microsoft making several large gaming purchases close together. I do not see them being concerned about buying multiple asian publishers at the same time or even an asian publisher and european publisher.


Acquiring SEGA would be a wonderful starting point in Japan that could easily be completed by a few Japanese studios like CC2, Platinum Games, ARC System, Media.Vision, NIS… It is undoubtedly the acquisition strategy that has the more sense to expand into Asia and I really wouldn’t be surprised if SEGA was Microsoft’s next publisher acquisition.

In the west, I might expect small publishers like Paradox or CDPR, or maybe struggling publishers like Ubisoft or WBD (if Microsoft wants to join the film and TV industry), and I think that there are still a lot of possibilities to grow with the acquisition of independent studios.

There are many very interesting combinations. SEGA + Ubisoft would be very effective in meeting 95% of Xbox’s needs with a minimum of acquisition. SEGA+ Warner would also meet many of Xbox’s needs, and could be supplemented by acquiring independent studios that would have access to the DC (and Warner) catalog.

Finally, there are still some very good acquisitions to be made if Microsoft is still motivated to invest and expand in the industry (which seems to be the case). Like many here, I think (and hope) SEGA will be next, but who knows what the future holds.


Sega seems very likely at this point, and CDPR would be nice but MS would likely have to sell off GOG, but I would expect MS to go after more individual studios

Asobo, Certain Affinity, IOI are no brainers, if possible buy CD and Eidos from Embracer (let Embracer keep the IPs)

PC side 11 Bit Studios (Frostpunk) and Paradox

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