Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

Firmly believe MS will spend all that $70bn on gaming

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Don’t know. They literally just did ports before. Also a lot of their ports were worse than say the equivalent backwards compatible with enhancements we get on xbox.

If they were someone like Bluepoint who actually did graphic changes to older games and they were branching into their own game, then I would have more faith.

Actually it was Bungie lol.

Now it’s FromSoftware and Asobo.

Xbox acquiring CroTeam?

I already thought a while about it, but it’s near impossible anyone touches Embracer Group right?

They have so many studios in complicated countries. And with many different countries, the amount of scrutinizing would be nuts. The majority would go through without a problem, but certainly not all of them.

Of course it could be done, but not without a lot friction and maybe even the “loss” of some studios.

Don’t know if you are joking, but they are already owned by Devolver Digital.

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Squaresoft back in the day were able to pump out FF7,8, 9 & X in the space of 4 years and all of them are better than anything they’ve produced in over a decade

They can still create good content but they are no longer the bar setters they were 20 years ago

CDPR would be such a waste of money

Not sure what their price is now but I know at one point it was around $8 billion, imagine paying the same price for them that you got all of Zeni/Bethesda for

I am lol

And I’m not into Serious Sam, gets boring after the first 10 minutes

Disagree with Grubb on this one.

I think it was the simple matter of where could Sony go for a similar game like Destiny? There isn’t that many left from the top of my head. Let’s not forget that they didn’t get Leylou so they were very much running out of road unless they targeted T2 for example.

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If you go by the recent going rate, I don’t think it is :man_shrugging:

Stock market cap is 4.5 billion usd today

They’d still go for a premium rate, even after the cyberpunk disaster because of the market, so it probably wouldn’t be too far off that

They aren’t worth 4.5 nevermind 8, there’s definitely much better targets out there

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They absolutely are. Their games are events.

They are a showcase studio and system seller.

They had one game that did well

The next one they blew it worse than maybe any other game in the last decade, they absolutely aren’t

One studio that has a game every 5 years at best and the last one was a massive fail, like I said, much better targets out there

They have made 1 game that was an event which was Cyberpunk and we saw how that ended. Witcher 3 got good reviews and all that and got insane legs to go with it but I dont remember it being any kind of event.

People crowded them Kings of RPG’s and best devs in the world OFF 1 GAME and it all came crashing down.

1 game that did well? The Witcher is in the top 50 grossing gaming franchises of all time already…

Yes, that is one game correct? Witcher 3 I mean because witcher only really exploded when 3 came along


The Witcher trilogy was incredible in terms of design, lore, gameplay.


They are worth buying due to the location as well. So much talent thats untouched by anyone


The Witcher 3 was the most anticipated game for like 2 years

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