Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

It makes too much sense, Sonic could be the kids mascot for Xbox, they have close relationship with their past, it could be their publishing arm in Japan and could be used to hire talent there and to finally crack Japan. Also IP and great studios, Sonic needs help because he is so badly underutilised.

I genuinely think it’s going to happen.


Good, would not want them at Xbox. Eww


yea you know what microsoft should try to get frontiers day 1 on gamepass imagine how huge that would be for the kid friendly content

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It’s the big one I still hope for.


Imagine the back catalog possibilities, I would love to see a native Sega Dreamcast / Megadrive Emulator.


that would be godly


as they say in soul caliber. The soul still burns.

Sega would be a great pickup.


I giggle at the thought of XGS published Sakura Wars

XGS publishing anime dating simulators lol.


Now you can date xbox characters

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Would laugh if that was the next time we see Banjo

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Bro…where is opa-opa…where is the true arcade chad opa-opa

…Microsoft should acquire all the gaming waifus and make the ultimate gaming dating sim an offical game SMH


l think we all hope to see this happen someday and seeing Master System, Genesis, 32X, CD, Gamegear, Saturn, Dreamcast and Arcade games being added to Game Pass, will be Awesome too.

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This will upset people but I wouldn’t mind and it’d be a good way to have content for the platform


Not me. :man_shrugging:

I’ve had very little exposure to Sega games, and what I have played I haven’t particularly cared for. And what I’ve only read about or seen gameplay of hasn’t intrigued me either. I’m looking at that graphic and there’s nothing there that I desire whatsoever.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure they have some great titles, they don’t become as successful and beloved as they are with a bunch of duds in their lineup. It’s just that I’m not inclined to bother finding out for myself. There’s plenty of other past, present, and future games that I am interested in, that I’m not going to expend any effort in adding more titles to that ever growing list.

I agree I like the idea of it especially since Life Is Strange is one of my favorite games so it would be great to see more episodic games with a similar format. What I would change is instead of having it just being exclusive to Xbox Game Pass and instead be exclusive to Xbox in general and having the option to buy episodes through the Xbox store.

Sounds good. I will never not have Game Pass so… Like Tell Me Why but only on Game Pass?

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I’ve said this for a while - episodic games make SO much sense for game pass. With enough teams you can have regular smaller content releases onto the service. It’s just a shame there isn’t a lot of studios making content like this - it’s pretty much Telltale 2.0 (who largely seem to function the same as The Initiative right now and outsource the bulk of production work, and own basically none of their IP, not all that ideal an acquisition), Dontnod (solid team with very unique games that could benefit from a game pass environment, and a good relationship with Microsoft - but no interest in acquisition) and Deck Nine (great team, but no IPs).

Ideal scenario? If Microsoft ever pick up Square Enix or even just the western branches and their IPs they should try for Deck Nine as well (who I’m surprised isn’t owned by Square Enix in the first place) and let them continie their work on Life is Strange and expand to make more games.


No problem, I don’t care about games similar to Life is Strange kekeke

We going from getting a Netflix style full season drop back to weekly episodes haha.

Edit: didn’t realize this was the acquisition thread.

They should get Wolf Among Us 2.

Edit: I just realized the thread I’m in. This post is for Game Pass question.