Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

any reason why relationship between MS nd MDHR soured?


…I never said avalanche owned hitman…I said I would of classed IoI in the same place as avalanche if they didn’t own hitman in a wait and see kind of sense. for the 2nd part, fair, I did call them Microsoft’s insomniac for a reason because insomniac wasn’t acquired by sony for ages because they didn’t want to be acqured, but yeah fair point

do you have a source or evidence about that cos I never heard of this (granted I didn’t hear anything about moon studios relationship souring and it did) and for the 2nd half, you could make this argument about any studio, Microsoft still picked up the developers behind we happy few so yeah, saying their are more capable devs doesn’t mean microsoft wouldn’t/shouldn’t buy them

I don’t have specifics, just what I’ve been told from people who’d know. I imagine it likely had to do with IP ownership and length of dev time.

Apologies, it was hard to decipher your capitalization of IOI from ‘lol’ (laughing out loud).

For the second, yes, I do have sources but none you are privy to. Your point about Compulsion actually works against your argument, because they’ve made two titles and an entire suite of DLC in the time it took MDHR to make a single title; also, Compulsion has a suite of industry veterans, so again, not the comparison you think it is. Microsoft is a business and understanding the calculus between the investment and the return on that investment drives their decisions on who to acquire or not. Come on.


Ah that makes sense, its fine just a miss understanding

fair enough but my point was more we happy few was bad and I have literally never heard of their other game before I looked it up (which I did before this) but I see your point

anyone who wanted Xbox to acquire quantic dreams. It looks like you’re dreams have been dashed. So we can take them off the list of potential acquisition targets.

Sources - NetEase to Acquire 100% of Quantic Dream -


But…that’s not Sony. I was promised Konami to be purchased by Sony! Why life is a lie! The cake wasn’t enough!

The way things are going this year, I wonder if they’ll be any studios left that haven’t been acquired

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I’ll be honest, that’s one dumpster fire I was hoping Microsoft would avoid.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Xbox was called up but Phil said nope. Sure, you got Activision Blizzard, but again, once in a lifetime and they are saving thousands.


I am pretty that just like Gearbox, Microsoft would want David Cage go.

Interesting, I have never played any of their games.

Heard a lot about Heavy Rain and Detroit but never got around to them, are they worth picking up?

I was under impression Quantic Dream was part of Sony. What exactly happened? I only got gist of it.

After those allegations against David Cage became public. Sony didn’t even want to work with them no more.

Damn I think they missed a bullet with this one, especially after reading a few articles like this:


if you like choice based narrative games they are pretty entertaining.

Their new star wars game looks interesting.

I’ve heard they were sued supposedly for labor practice issues which is why i think Microsoft was probably hesitant to acquire them but then Microsoft also still moved on ABK with there issues so who knows. They won the court case where David Cage claimed the issues allegations against the studio were false. But I think the damage was done already. Atleast its not tencent but netease isn’t a great choice either but its not a Microsoft Acquisition so I will refrain from discussing it further in this thread.

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I am honestly suprised sony never acquired them, like I know they had a falling out but before that I mean

long story short, they had a falling out

It wasn’t just Cage and that’s the biggest difference between the two; QD was never being looked at by Xbox.

Never owned by Sony at all, just a “second-party” relationship much like Playground originally with Xbox.


Thanks for answering. Well, I guess good for QD. Not sure what to think to be honest. I suppose the game can be made sooner rather than much later.

you asking for sega again? also pretty intrigued by frontiers but we’ll see

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Had MS been able to get rid of David, then that would have been a nice purchase, but sadly l don’t see him now leaving. I personally don’t think this will be good for employees either, because l think they’d want him gone and l don’t see NetEase forcing him out. Hopefully I’m wrong though. .

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