Xbox Acquisition |OT4| It's Acquisition Season for Xbox with $69 Billion deal, NICE!

They could try to bet everything on the TakeTwo card. But I’m sure Phil knows the importance of them and would ultimately outbid Sony.

Everything else, I don’t see Microsoft stepping in TBH. Capcom, Square and Sega are delivering big games, but none of them are close to COD and co.

EA is simply too expensive for them.


I’m not saying they’re going to do an EA or T2. More likely a Square Enix or some Japanese publisher.

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Agreed. But Sony definitely responding. And I’m interested to see what they respond with. But it can’t be no BS ass HouseMarque. And no offense to that studio. They are good but not a purchase of Bethesda of AB level

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People say MS could take the western part of Square Enix and that’s actually quite possible because of Activision.

MS now owns the True Crime IP, which was what Sleeping Dogs was originally going to be before Activision sold off the work they were doing.

True Crime was the true GTA competitor and even GTA acknowledged them by having posters spoofing True Crime.


Exactly. I want Sony to STAY in this. Someone needs to keep Microsoft on their FEET. Good for us Xbox fans. Rather have Sony stay in this industry than have them replaced with Amazon, Google or Tencent…


Yeah, but that wouldn’t really be a counter to the situation. I think the people that are buying PlayStation exclusive games, are pretty much the same people that buy games from SQ and Capcom.

These wouldn’t capture the “mainstream crowd”

In terms of Mainstream appeal, I would rank them like this:

  • EA
  • TakeTwo
  • Ubisoft
  • WBIE
  • Capcom
  • SE
  • Sega
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Need to say something similar here; this move is massive on Xbox’s part but there’s no need to look at this from a console warring lens or wish for Sony’s demise. Totally fine to talk about the impact it will have, but let’s not relish in the idea that something could occur to cost people’s jobs and the likes. Nothing too egregious, just wanted to put a damper on things before they went down that road. It’s totally fine to celebrate this kind of move, just don’t be toxic :slight_smile:

K, love you all, now I’m going to play some celebratory CoD :wink:


I would like to think it is my weekly meme ever since E3 that made Phil finally snap and go "I caaaan’t take it anymore, just buy something! Activison, that’ll shut that annoying little shit up for a while, hah! &¤&“)”“()#=!=!”(#"

You are all welcome.



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This is a nice big slap in the face for Sony for thinking there would be no negative repercussions for turning their back on Japan and thinking they could dominate the West. They were foolish to not consider MS would dig into the war chest if they were going to face Xbox’s extinction. The shunning and sometimes outright weird hostility Sony has shown to Japan since 2018 has made me outright detest the modern Playstation brand (you don’t know how pissed closing Japan Studio made me) and I’m happy to see them face this harsh reality that Microsoft is an angry bull that they cannot control. This is not the Playstation I grew up with.

And to clarify, this is not me wishing for the demise of Playstation. I am hoping to see some serious strategy reforms and hopefully see PS return to the days of old where they had more risks and variety in their first party library.

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Of course I don’t wish for their demise. I still have to recoup the loss of the stock :phil_lmao:




Would’ve been hilarious if Kotaku ended up under Xbox. We all know what they think of Xbox.

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Lol, just buy the message! What a complete pos. :man_facepalming:


Hmmm…. So, is it too soon to ask for someone like Forgotten Empires to have a team working on console ports of Warcraft and Starcraft?:wink::joy:


They will also get the Empire Earth franchise !


Lots of movements on the stock market following the news.

EA, T2, CDPR, Ubisoft… up (especially Ubisoft +12%).

Sony down -10% atm of that post.

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He wanted to say “Microsoft is buying all of the following”, just a spelling mistake

Based on Microsofts valuation of gaming properties probably. Sony just down cause FUD. I might buy some Sony stock based on that drop.

Blown away by the news. I had convinced myself that Sega would be way to big to really happen. Activision wasn’t even something I gave a thought to. This is huge.

As a few others have mentioned, WB, IOI, CD would have probably brought more franchises to GP that I would have jumped on, but amazing news for GP in general.

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