That would involve doing something that may or may not resemble work.
Hard Pass.
That would involve doing something that may or may not resemble work.
Hard Pass.
I think it would be best if we don’t have a new OT for a while. Just close this thread. When there is actual news, have a discussion thread then.
Expect FeiEX to now go awol.
This thread sure is something lol.
If this thread gets closed then the conversation will bleed even more into the other topics than it does now, which is already too often. It’s better to let this thread catch most of the drama.
What’s the point?
If people don’t want to engage in wild, baseless speculation then they don’t have to visit this thread. If there’s ever “actual news” there will be a thread for it, trust me.
And frankly, this thread has generally been great about not pulling out the pitchforks when rumors have come to nothing. If everyone was getting bent out of shape and talking about “holding people accountable” or whatever, that would be one thing. But thus far this has been a totally pleasant place for people to daydream and fantasize, and that’s a good thing.
Fair enough
Don’t even think we had much more drama than usual for this forum in this thread which is impressive considering the amount of traffic this page got in the past week
Yeh agree everyone’s been pretty skeptical and just having fun with it
I’ve been having fun since the beginning. It was always unlikely that randos would leak an acquisition. This thread is the highlight of the forum me.
Why? If someone doesn’t like the conversation involved they can just not visit this thread. Its not like logging into the forum requires you to peruse this thread before gaining access to the rest of the forum. As others have said only locking this thread will make these topics come out elsewhere as people clearly want to discuss these topics. most of the people discussing the topics within this thread know the deal. They know these are rumors and most wont pan out. I don’t think most people are going to bed thinking well I’m going to wake up tomorrow and Xbox is going announce they have bought IO, Nordisk, sega and capcom in one big press release.
People like to discuss the possibilities its what sports talk radio based around. Hey what if player x gets traded or contract for player y is expiring here where they could go. This is the same thing only its gaming speculation and reading those tea leaves and listening to what is said and extrapolating out what may happen. When you do that sometimes you get it right and sometimes you don’t. Thats just how it goes.
But shutting down a whole thread seems pointless when the people bothered could just not visit.
Perhaps you are right. Maybe it’s just been the wild predictions this week that got me thinking like that
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy visiting this thread as well.
It’s over.
There’s no need for any concern…
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, you’re always a day away!
So this isn’t OT, I really think the only dagger they need is to absolutely blow the E rated content out of the water. Come up with the capability to crank out E rated content like Pixar and Star Wars animation does for disney. If they can get to the point of releasing 2 big E rated games per year I think they’ll be set.
But you said you might know what the news are