Only 43 more days to go to break David Blaine’s record of being a box.
Can we go back to normal now?
This is some 500 tonne wishful thinking.
Hey grandma, I’ve got some bad news…
Had me crying like an anime fan on prom night. #MightyNumberNine
I honestly quite liked the excitement in this thread the last few days.
You have to go back to assisted living.
Acquisitions might have a “budget” in terms of a targeted amount that a company wants to invest in growth (or technology or whatever the acquisition is aimed at), but they don’t hit a company’s profit/loss statement.
That’s because unlike income/expense, an acquisition is deemed to be just turing one asset into another. E.g., turning $100 of cash into $100 of acquired entity. From a balance sheet perspective, the company is no better or worse off.
For that reason acquisitions aren’t driven by financial reporting periods. They’re pretty much irrelevant for that purpose.
That’s not war, its extermination.
I feel like making a bet that Microsoft will have acquired Capcom by December 31 2022. Don’t reply to this post
Around E3 2018 were some rumbling that Microsoft is about to announce the acquisition of Capcom. But after the success of Monster Hunter World Capcom backed out. People on the GianBomb and Vice Podcast hinted this scenario in their post-E3 podcasts. I think even Jez talked about it.
Well it’s over
Zhuge hasn’t tweeted yet.
Time to sell your Xbox consoles. This is officially the end of Xbox gaming.
Man this thread went fast. Already over 9000 posts!
We will probably get a new OT in no time at all.
Stealing Klob’s wisdom from another thread.
We still have 6 minutes.
Why don’t you guys just tweet zhuge and ask him?