Xbox Acquisition |OT2| Something, Something, Snowball Effect

That Capcom part plays with my heart, I don’t believe it. If something like this happens then it’s done, PS without Capcom would be a disgrace.


This might as well read, Microsoft buys all video games lol.

People talking about dream acquisitions mine would be Capcom because they are making good games right now and are easily the Japanese publisher with the most IP that I care about. And then WB because I like a lot of their studios and what they’ve done in the past.

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You think people were pissed about Bethesda. If Xbox got Capcom and Square… I cannot even imagine.

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I don’t even care about Capcom or Square personally. I just want war.


Let them digest the Kojima exclusive first.


This is the way! :rofl:


Capcom would seriously be the final nail, Bethesda and Capcom with first-party support is something that Sony wouldn’t ever be able to match.

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I dlont care about that.i want square bought, 62 l like i dont have many years to wait for games that are old and remastered to finally. Be ported to xbox. Right now se has my ire for dragging its feet on ff14 port…really bandai is winng me over. Yeah,get se first if you cant get bandaii and sega and ubisoft and ea and wbi lol go for it all lol. Jk but that be a killer sweep, never happen though.


Didn’t Quantic Dream get bought by someone else though?

Personally I feel Bandai Namco would have a better chance at happening


I’ve not seen a single reference to Capcom being purchased that isn’t some far reaching fantasy. They would be a dream for any company, but this isn’t floundering Capcom of a decade ago - their last four Resident Evil titles alone print money. Throw in the Monster Hunters, DMC 5 and Street Fighter (with exclusive Sony deal) and they should be in an absolutely prime financial situation right now.

And it would be great as well.

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Money talks. This success would mean Capcom has a high valuation and shareholders will want to sell so they can get as much money as possible, There is no guarantee that this success will keep continuing that’s why a sale will always be enticing for shareholders

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S - Super

E - Exquisite

G - Gangbusters

A - Acquisition


Same as Koi temco (i think that’s the name of the company that owns ninja gaiden)

whew that makes good business sense - but if you tell me that MS gets all those IPs. Street Fighter + Monster Hunter alone legitimizes the XBox platform in Japan. Throw in Resident Evil, Dragon’s Dogma, Ace Attorney… shaking head but it doesn’t matter. That 4chan post is the first “rumor” I’ve even seen and it seems to be based off of random crap have posted on the different Eras as dream acquisitions.

Dead or Alive. Fatal Frame. drools

What’s good though is that Microsoft wouldn’t only be looking at that buy just for the gaming rights. Resident Evil is a big entertainment IP as well, It has a movie coming out and multi animation projects, Monster hunter can be bankable as well in that right, Street fighter is just waiting for an animated tv series pickup.

More JCVD Street Fighter please.

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Street Fighter Of Course GIF

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