Xbox Acquisition |OT2| Something, Something, Snowball Effect

From listening to Jez and Rand for a while, Jez is normally cautious when it comes to predictions, so if he is saying there is a very good chance, he has heard something might be happening soon.

Of course don’t expect something will happen at the showcase but it has all of a sudden become more of a possibility in my opinion.


buy interplay IPs, buy Techland or someone like Turtle Rock (with a Valve pedigree), and maybe Hello Games.

Can’t argue with that. Interesting stuff, but either way, I’m going in not expecting any acquisitions. It will be a bonus if it happens.

Yeah but he said he hasn’t seen hard evidence. Just sources he trusts. An E3 announcement could still fall through but seems likely an announcement of some sort will happen sooner rather than later, even if not necessarily at E3 itself.

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What if playtonic is making viva pinata, and Xbox owns yoka laylee :thinking:

Another to throw unto the rumour mill. :smile:

doubt that they are that talented for a modern age Viva Pinata

Get someone with a AAA pedigree for a modern day Viva Pinata is my suggestion.

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Hmmm…. If only someone else had told you all the same months ago… but whom?!


Are you changing your over/under now?

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Fingers crossed for IOI


I know his rule that he would only write about it if he sees physical evidence. But if he says he trusts the source, then I would go along with it. As I said, I am not really expecting an announcement at E3, but I do think something is going to happen at some point in the near future.

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… and toes crossed too.


Trust me, I’m not a big fan either. Still AAA though.:joy:

I will say this with Avalanche they are hit or me with me dont like Just Cause but liked Rage 2 and Mad Max

I don’t know how they will buy Avalanche. Avalanche is under Nordisk which is under Egmont. Very low likelihood, IMHO.


Avalanche could be a possibility as IOI and Asobo.

Jez gave me the ok to post It


I didnt know that but I was giving my opinion on Avalanche they wouldnt be my first choices

For me it’s IOI: they are working on Project Dragon and they opened a new studio in Barcelona: they get much Money


I understand. Just am slightly puzzled as to how or why (for Avalanche). :slight_smile:

IOI is the one that everyone loves here.

Gonna guess IO as well, and the IP they bought is Hitman from Square.