Xbox Acquisition |OT2| Something, Something, Snowball Effect

Playdead would be a great get

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@javycane phobia game studio and their IP carrion…

Just Cause is very much a AAA IP though too. Lol

The devs of The Ascent would be great too.

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Ehh GIF by memecandy


Dont think it fits the bill of whaf Jez is describing

Well There It Is Jurassic Park GIF


Jez is really making some waves today.


Chris Farley GIF by Leroy Patterson


Beat me at my own game! :joy:


Man Just Cause is pure Chaos

So much so that I quit the game after the third mission because I couldn’t figure out what to do and what was the objective. (Talking about 4 which recently came on Gamepass)

I really love it’s play style but it needs a story where I can understand what’s happening.

If that happens - this game will be a hit for me.

Well, keyword is “I think”. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, it’s just his guess.

lol. :smile:

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Damn it’s tough to speculate, I know Xbox had a rumor about a polish studio, only can think of 11bit with frostpunk but most of Xbox acquisitions so far came from left field.

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That’s true, but the acquisition process seems to be at least very far already.

Another polish one that’s not AAA would be Farm 51. There were rumors

I mean a “very good chance” would suggest he’s heard something… imo.

If I’m not mistaken, Farm51 doesn’t have any decent ip

In the end, i’m still going in without expecting acquisitions, and if they announced one, it is a great bonus.


11bit is one of the more expensive studios and is public.