Xbox Acquisition |OT| - So We’re Back to Making Lists, Huh?

It’s different: Psychonauts 2 was crowdfunded, so the platform releases were already defined by a deal.


Was DL2 confirmed for PS5 or just PS4? MS could just fill the contract to a tee. Sony pulled this shit with Ghostwire and Deathloop only being “implied multiplats” and I expect MS to do the same with Starfield tbh. They also appear to be doing it with Psychonauts 2 but that would probably be out by now had MS not bought them, and thanks to MS buying them they can expand their vision again


That’s super nice to hear, and yeah the growth is coming in all directions and it’s mesmerizing to see it fold.

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Back in the 360 days Peter Moore said he liked the approach of what he used to call rolling thunder.

That it was best to continuously be in the news, even if we went by some weeks of smaller news than just dropping all at once.

I think that Ms has been doing this now too, they are almost every week sharing something, even if just some interview about the game, and have reached a point they shared so much everyone is talking about them constantly.

While I prefer the hype that would have been a monster E3 this year, it seems to be working. The weekly drops are really resonating with the public, even small stuff like quick resuming multiple BC games.

Having said that, I do think they have some bombs left to drop. They dropped EA Play and Bethesda leading up to the pre orders, I imagine they must have saved something for the launch day too


I agree with Peter Moore approach to be constantly in the news and I loved how he handled the Xbox 360. Woyld have loved to see him back. He was full of energy. Great guy. Missed him. Will always remember the GTA 4 tatoo event lol

hopefully they are bombshells studio announcements.

“I’m saving the big guns for the big guns”

Ms was definitely bold at that time. I just remembered they moneyhatted all soccer games for the 1st year on next gen XD

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The 360 launch was awesome. Was here day one. Bought the Premium. Plus PGR3, Condemned & Kameo at launch and I was really satisfied with these games. Yes he had an excellent strategy. Hope he could come back to Xbox on day.

someone leak something!!!

honestly if brad sams even says acquisitions are near impossible to track I assume we’ll never know until its officially announced lol

They bought that one man who made Bright Memory.

That wouldn’t even be a bad idea, dude is hella talented and MS should give him a chance to be a studio head for Xbox in china/japan.


I’m not sure it’s legal to buy one human being :joy:


Damn sure hope not. Lol

I think MS are done acquiring small scale developers. They’re now all about protecting investments and partnerships, hence why Bethesda were bought. As I’ve stated, the idea of Sony, Google, Amazon, buying Bethesda’ would have been a disaster. Other studios who fit this criteria are Bungie, CDPR, Techland, etc. I mean imagine MS buy Bloober in Poland, then Google buy CDPR, MS are a laughing stock in this scenario

I catch your point, but see, we shoudnt expect apple / alphabet / Amazon to buy a big studio, at least not in the next 7 years. Those 3 companies know that their service’s (arcade / stadia / luna) are for the long run, so both they don’t expect to earn a lot of money right now so they are going to buy more and invest more as their service gets bigger and they know that buying a big company being the new of the industry are going to make a lot of people really mad (like what happened when ms bought rare). With Sony they only added 4 studios in the last 2 generations, and i don’t think they might change the rythm. CDPR its pretty safe right now, the worst thing that can happen is they becoming so expensive that Microsoft dont see them as a good investment.

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I can still see them buying small scale Japanese studios like white owl or cyberconnect2

That was exactly my launch lineup too, plus Geo Wars which did ended up being one of my most played games ever (that I still play on X)

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Yes, some people are expecting Google, Amazon or Apple to suddenly snatch something like CDPR, EA or even Sony. I don’t see it happening that soon exactly because their platforms are still too new and small (and still too disruptive) for such a move. It’s too risky for such big gaming conglomerates to limit themselves to a platform that isn’t mature yet.


Also the thing is as we’ve mentioned in here the studios have to be also willing to be brought and see the benefits to it. In MS’s case it’s more freedom to be creative without worrying about the finances.

The ‘wrong’ company buying a studio would probably see a lot of talent drain. Leaving the name only.

MS’s promise that studios can keep their specific work cultures is resonating. I’m not sure Apple, Google etc would be that generous.


Completely agreed, and it’s honestly refreshing to see Microsoft’s laissez faire attitude across the board; I think Satya has brought some much needed change that we’ve been actively seeing the effects of for a few years now. It’s that precise reason that, assuming any dev in question wants to be acquired, Microsoft is the wiser choice among the trillion dollar companies that will be competing hard in the gaming space over the next few years.