i expect at least one studio this year
From pure economic perspective, if your studio is not doing too well then 2021 is the year to sell. You will see inflated prices.
And concurrently, being one of the few companies along with EA and Tencent to inflate the market for your needs, if you are MS then - 2021 is the year to buy.
Everyone’s always on about these acquisitions from a pure studio perspective. No one is thinking outside the box, discord or alternatives would be more fitting to what’s said around here
I’m not holding my breath personally.
Since 2018 we had had at least 1 studio aqcuistion per year. Also, does bethesda count as a 2020 acquisition or a 2021 one?
i’m pretty sure they can find studio at $100M-$1B price point which is nothing for MS
MS want to spend 50 Billion this year
they won’t do another big acquisition(publisher) this year for xbox
although i expect Acquisition with $1B Max budget this year for xbox
I dont think Xbox has a “budget”, all aqcuisitions are basically Microsoft acquisitions, you just have to convince Satya that it is worth it. This discord acquisition is being done by phil and it is at least 10 billion if it passes. You also have to realize Microsoft has been spending big on gaming lately so they will probably continue to do it.
discord is not just for xbox lol they just put phil in charge because it’s related to gaming company.
this discord deal for all MS divisions
I agree with you. Unlike previous acquisitions this will probably help other divisions unlike the previous xbox deals. You also have to realize that there are no “budgets”. Microsoft will give xbox 60 billions if they think it is worth it or nothing at all if they don’t.
where the MS want to spend 50 billions this year come from ?
people see that Microsoft wanted to spend ~50B on tiktok and falsely assume that they want to spend that amount of money whatever the acquisition is, instead of acquiring companies that are a good fit. Don’t read anything into it
I don’t know if there is a specific timescale for acquiring new studios, but I don’t think the point that they will add more studios eventually is up for debate, both Phil and Satya have pretty much alluded to that post Bethesda. Phil has also doubled down on wanting more first party capability in Japan and the ability to produce ‘E’ rated content with first party. While they have plenty of studios now, if they want to make a serious push to other markets like Asia with Xcloud, then a wider variety of games that appeal in those markets or to different demographics will be needed for Game Pass.
I think there is a very small chance that Microsoft doesn’t acquire any gaming devs this year. Satya came out and said that they will be acquiring and that’s how they will grow content. We also know satya is incentivized in his pay to grow gamepass. If he thinks that they need acquisitions to grow content, then I don’t see how he let’s them sit tight. On the other side of things if I’m Phil and I know Satya gets paid on how well gamepass does then my number 1 goal every day would be growing gamepass and I’d want to get as much first party content as we can get in order to ensure we aren’t reliant on third parties.
Thinking about the whole EVO, Playstation and Street Fighter 6 situation I wonder if Microsoft start to look at CyberConnect2 and Arc System Works. Both are known for their fighting games and could balance the situation. But fighting games are very niche so I don’t know if this would be a good move.
They are niche, but at the same time the cost of those studios, Arc System Works, wouldn’t be anything that would worry investors. Besides, they need someone to bring back the GOAT: Killer Instinct. As a kid who grew up with old Rare, the moment that KI was announced in 2013, I was over the moon; it turned out to be one of my favorite games from last generation too. But I digress…
Honestly, if they could get licenses figured out and even maybe even work with publishing partners to get older titles (or acquire the IP for original IP), CyberConnect2 could be a big boon for Game Pass.
They currently have 4 games in development, 3 of them self published, all 4 are already coming to Xbox One. They’re working on a Demon Slayer game which has immensely grown in popularity in the anime community.
Asura’s Wrath could totally use a sequel too.
MS certainly needs having all game genres in-house without relying on third party. It would prevent third party exclusivity for other players in the market.
You mean it won’t worry regulators? Not sure why investors would be worried.
I would agree - Killer Instinct must be revived. However, there is an opportunity to think beyond just KI, and create a specialist melee studio that creates KI and more.
Could be a good candidate