Xbox Acquisition |OT| - So We’re Back to Making Lists, Huh?

Nuff said


Yeah. That’s not true. There’s an in depth video explaining why WB studios is still on the table. Don’t know how to link it though.

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Regardless Microsoft still needs a few 3rd person narrative games not their entire portfolio like Sony. But they absolutely need to incorporate that game type into their arsenal it’s what they’re missing. Most other boxes are check.

Same for Sony. Would love to see them engage in more well put together multiplayer heavy games. It’s not copying Sony, it’s fulfilling the exact promise they’ve been harping for a while now : Most diverse game lineup

I think it’s kind of a bluff

I’ll explain. I think they were (are?) negotiating with someone, but their respective positions were too far apart and none wanted to move. The games currently in development that hadn’t been announced are part of the deal (I wonder if for example the game Rocksteady is making, since it hasn’t been officially announced, there’s no platforms announced, so they could theoretically become exclusive, if the other part was MS) that includes Suicide Squad and it’s part of the bluff.

Like, WB is saying that if the offer doesn’t improve, they’ll just release them and keep the studios (but wanting the other part to feel pressured. Of course that part can choose not to go, and in that case WB will keep it’s studios.)

Also kinda related, those 800 laid off recently, none were from WB Studios? Like the publishing part to be more precise?

I’m really asking, have no idea, but if some were that could mean something

Nah. XGS should carve out their own niche/identity in the gaming space. Sure! Add some single player, narrative driven games to their arsenal - don’t follow Sony. Keep adding more solid MP components to them or perhaps make then RPG’s.

This is great news. This is also in my opinion the RIGHT approach and I don’t understand why Sony didn’t do this. Go for some smaller to medium sized studios that are open to be acquired and build from there.

I don’t think every game needs multiplayer. I think that’s where Microsoft goes wrong sometimes a large budget and time I’m sure means some things have to be devalued in order to fit the multiplayer in. If it’s a narrative driven game it doesn’t need a multiplayer always. look at red dead. Fantastic campaign but a terrible online mode simply bc they were trying to force the same success from gta on to it effectively killing the game

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Japan is a waste of money and time, they should focus on the western market (North America & Europe) and the rest of the world will come.

Personally I’m happy that Microsoft and Sony are diverging in terms of strengths and identity. We don’t need 2 corporations trying to make us buy both hardware which amounts to incremental benefits over a handful of exclusives. This is made worse if those exclusives are targeting the same thing. The more they diverge, the more benefit we get for investing in both ecosystems or…if both aren’t necessary, there are more options to cater specifically to different priorities. As investing in 4 sets of hardware becomes less of a need to keep up with the best of everything in gaming and as barriers to ecosystems reduce, there will be more emphasis on services and content. In summary, I hope Microsoft and Sony continue to do their own things.


Completely disagree with you, but to each their own


Microsoft is well known for doing MP right, moreso than any of the Big 3. Rockstar is great at SP open world games. They ain’t Microsoft though. And having more than competent MP component to your game doesn’t hurt the SP in the slightest. Gears 4 and and especially 5 proved that, huge!

I believe that’s why Gears and Halo in particular are always bashed. Its not fatigue in my opinion. No ones making gamers play these games every release. Gamers make their own choice and there are a plethora of other franchises that are on, like, their twentieth install, FFS. Its because Sony and Nintendo have no answers to them and have failed when they attempted to do so. Both Gears and Halo have solid SP and MP. Both components are blockbusters and iconic. That’s hard to ape. Just ask Sony and Nintendo.

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I remember a while back they said they wanted to release a game by XGS every quarter on Gamepass… To reach that level u need more studios… I welcome it

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MS should get Japanese devs because their western fans (me for example) like Japanese games.

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It also sits in line with their efforts to expand in the East, they plan on using xCloud (mobile is king there) and content, if they could Japanese on content on xCloud, they will be able to make a bigger impact.

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I bet they will announce something at XO19. Will be the month of the Series X launch as well.

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If Xbox grows in the west the Japanese devs will put their games on Xbox. Wasting money on Japan will not fix the problem

May i ask why is it a waste?

I think the point is, Xbox is unlikely to shift hardware in that region, it never has and probably never will, so investing specifically in that region is unlikely to yield results. However, more success in the west means Japanese developers will want to bring their games to Xbox so their games have a bigger audience in the west.

I think Microsoft could do with strengthening their poisition in the east, mainly through exclusive content if possible but realistically, Microsoft’s play in Japan (and Asia in general) is through xCloud.

Because they didn’t succeed in Japan since the original Xbox, so why keep wasting money on Japanese market and Japanese games?