Will Sony's exclusive game portfolio lack genre diversity even more compared to Xbox's?

I was just piling on😅

Lol. Its not some conspiracy, naughty dog are on another level even if you dont like the game its story and acting are as good as great movies or tv shows, its visuals are hand crafted and are some of the best as a result. God of war was overated in my opinion its more like a 85-90 game, but the visuals and story are great and the combat does grow on you. Social media and echochambers will hype games up, its best just to stay away from these places, take away there power, there opinion only matters if you aknoledge it. Game quality is a different conversation though. I guess xbox has had more diverse games this gen, my point is xbox’s greater genre diversity is only going to get stronger this gen.

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Ok, well pile off then.

At this point its significantly worse for Sony, no RTS, no RPG, no Flight Sim, no HackNSlash (MC Dungeons), no Build or Survive (Minecraft), no Build & Survive (Grounded), no Action Exploration (Sea of Thieves).

Sony’s 1st party is also not doing well on racing games, GT only released sport last gen and Sony’s other attempts at racers failed and pretty much closed down the studio.

Forza is a lot more prolific a Racing brand than GT is now, and Sony does not look to be expanding in the genre

So we shouldn’t discuss this? I thought that was the point of this thread.

Maybe we are on different page. There is clear a miscommunication.

I agree with everythin u say here, but I would say microsoft will not be completely null in the 3rd person action genre like tlou2, gow etc. Fable and hellblade 2 have those traits. I also wonder if being 3rd person or 1st person matters? Fallout and elder Scrolls are cinematic, story is the main reason I play those games.

I personally think the situation for Sony with genre diversity will improve this gen, they have to.

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I wonder how sony will expand there studios, because they cant compete with 9 less studios.

I think they will buy 1 or 2 insomniac sized devs and do moneyhats. Proby still wont be enough. I dont think sony are willing to spend the money necessary to compete with xbox game studios.

I think you can take Japan Studio’s logo out of that image lol

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Genre diversity isn’t relevant for Sony’s success IMO. A large percentage of people love what they’re doing and when you add in what I perceive to be the inexplicable permanent loyalty to the brand that now seems to exist, they can just keep doing what they’re doing and remain the top dog for console sales.

They talked about investing into different games this gen, including more MP titles, so no, I don’t think they’ll lack diversity.

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Of course game quality and quantity are very important factors however I would of thought a greater diversity has more potential to attrack more gamers.

I expect the PS5 to do around PS3 levels while a certain portion of the fanbase will support sony to the grave, with the majority of consuners the quality of the product/service always wins.

I think Sony not only has a lack of genre diversity but also scale and budget diversity.

Sony is making AAA games and are relying on their games to sell millions upon millions of copies and are mostly selling their games without any MTX. This is a good thing in some respects but also it means Sony needs their games to be absolutely massive or they are screwed first party wise.

The Last of Us, God of War, etc can make money but what about their other IP? Did Days Gone really make Sony money? Was Death Stranding a massive success? A lot of questions about PS in the future.

Smaller games like Dreams are basically given no marketing budget and are sent to die because it isn’t seen as a huge money maker.


Their highest selling game had a 15% attach rate


Days Gone I believe its bend studios best selling game so I think even if dud metacritic wise it should had surpassed expectations.

Death Stranding on the other hand was a total flop to the point Sony has never acknowledged any milestone for it.


Could mean nothing but Sony Bend’s leads left the studio. Bend made PS Vita games if I’m remembering correctly so Days Gone being their best selling game isn’t a huge mark. The question is, what is the threshold for success. Can Sony afford games that don’t sell 10 million copies?

There are other issues that may appear in the future for Sony and diversity of their titles. When you are known for making one type or style of game, It can be harder to introduce different genres because your players have no baseline for what this title will be.

That can be overcome with the pedigree of the studio making it, however it has the risk of potential low sales or customer indifference because it is not what they expect. I don’t see one title sinking PS Studios but I think their broadening of titles will be paced out among what is considered their core strength.

That is not a bad thing at all, It seems to have worked well so far.

Yeah I think that will be more troubling for Sony than the narrative that their games are same-ish. With Sony apart from say Naughty Dog you know their top studios will give you Spiderman, Horizon, God of War, Ghosts on a regular cadence.

Add Naughty Dog and that is what you can expect for the gen from their big studios. Great games but predictability drains excitement. This is the same trap MS fell into with Gears, Halo, Forza.

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True. Its interesting that you mention that sony have a budget problem. There current model is not really sustainable, sony putting there games in PC is an indication of this. Also because game pass does not require a game to review or sell great it will allow xbox to make more creative games. We are seeing this with sony recently closing part of japan studo.