Whats happening with PS4 enhanced BC on PS5?

That’s what I mean. Who knows what their back compat is

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Even our dear Mr Albert Penello is wondering the same. Seems like he really knows something…



I don’t think DS4 works on PS5? Thought I’d read that but not 100%.

DS4 works but only for PS4 games. So I’m wondering if the PS5 controller works on those PS4 games that are running on PS5 via BC. I can’t find any confirmation on it. Can’t rely on blind faith with Sony at the moment lol.

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DS4 works on PS5 but only to play PS4 BC games.

As for playing BC games with a Dual Sense, almost certainly yes. It wouldn’t make sense to give new PS5 owners all those PS4 games and expect them to go buy a Dual Shock 4 in order to play them.

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Ds4 works but only for BC games, any native games even if crossgen (like Fortnite) will require the new controller.

Edit: Oh I see you asked the other way around. Yeah, it will be compatible.

lmfaooo ngl fell for this at first, that clock emoji super deceptively similar to checkmark. This is going viral, needs to happen to reach Sony to let them know they’re now satire fodder.

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Has @Shpeshal_Nick hinted what he was referring to with the “bad news” of the PS5’s back-compat he tweeted about the other day? I mean, I had no expectations of pre-PS4 back compat because Sony wants to keep selling those old games or PSNow too much to follow their competition. However, if that news is that the majority of PS4 games aren’t compatible, or there are no enhancements other than the inherent benefit of loading times… well to say I’ll be sadly laughing about another tickbox for the Sony Disinformation Campaign whilst still being disappointed in them, would be an understatement.

Oh okay. I was just asking because I couldn’t find any info on it.

This is hilarious… Also added that the game is being ported to Xbox 360 lol.


At this point if it’s something Sony is being quiet about assume the worst possible outcome.


This is a pretty good rule of thumb.


Are you making allusions to BC or way more than that?

Sony doesn’t care about anything more than basic compatibility on the PS5. That attitude, and that ugly console, are why they lost me for the upcoming generation. But it won’t matter in the least to most PS fans

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Well I found the new slogan


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