What news will MS drop this week to dilute the Spartacus reveal news cycle?

Even me now that I use GamePass, I just wait for games. I barely buy anything anymore.

Before GamePass I would have bought death loop, ghostwire tokyo day 1, the new battlefield day 1.

Now I’m just happy to wait a year

I think everyone just expects it to be a trash service. I think even first party games guaranteed 12 months after release is unlikely but that’s probably the only way I’d sign up.


But wheres the victory if it doesnt offer ps5 games on a regular basis or some day 1 titles? Pretty sure ms can shoehorn in the gold deals too.

Either way theres 3 tiers. The 1st basic tier shouldnt count whatsoever. Only 2nd and 3rd tiers will determine its actual numbers.

I wouldnt buy thoae games day 1 but i still buy games

Every was going on about elden ring being on gamepass and i said its unrealisitc to expect it. And that game sold millions even on xbox alone. Im fine with spending money on the bigger games

Ghostwire is one of those games that has no business being 60 or 70 bucks. It offers a very limited shallow experience vompared to even other games of its type.

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Just as an aside to the whole Spartacus announcement news upcoming, was talking with @Aetain last night about those reports and the tier system, her comment kinda hit it on the head.

“It sounds more like Nintendo Switch Online than it does as a Gamepass competitor”

Which kinda broke down perfectly in my mind, about how there is no day and date games, the fact that the catalogue of “over 800 games” is all from the previous generations (mostly) and that the tiers sound like the Nintendo Switch expansion pass for the access to the N64 games.

So when it comes to announcing this for Sony, they will go hard on the sell of making sure people feel like they get a bonus on top of what they already pay, or making the extra few dollars a month worth the upgrade.

Microsoft just have to announce a good batch of Gamepass titles and that will do the work for them, especially if they have some big recent titles just drop in the weeks ahead, or just before it goes live.

Other side to it is that Sony have to target the locations where PSNow exists. Cause as far as I know, Australia is really well served by xcloud but no PSNow and not even on the horizon, so why would i sign up for a higher tier of service if half of it can’t be used.

@Shpeshal_Nick any inside info on this ? Or is the news just going to be FROM acquisition ? :sunglasses:

If the content isn’t ready, it isn’t ready. :man_shrugging:t5:

Not what anyone wants to hear, but that’s the reality.


An individual who enjoys Sony’s first party output isn’t waiting 1-2 years to play. And casuals didn’t buy a PS5/ PS4 to play first party games.

A bit yes, but more like Nintendo Switch Online without Nintendo games and Nintendo nostalgia.

And who really wants to pay 10+ bucks a month to play an old Gran Turismo game where you have its disk in storage but can’t use it and are reminded every time how its latest incarnation has less content and is infested with micromacrotransactions?


Yeah the aussie situation will be interesting. Nintendo online is bare bones so i dont expect sony to offer select online only BC games. That would be top level trolling.

Yeah, that is where the disconnect happens. It also points towards a Japanese business sense in how some of them view ongoing transactions with subscription. It is not seen as a main way to make money with purpose and easily identified sales projections. Maybe that will change over time but it still seems as though Playstation is still driven by direction from Sony’s CEO, which is fine.

Agreed. At that point, PSNow is only available in the US, UK, Japan and a range of the European nations. That is Playstation’s strong territory and you want to support it. However, where the growth potential exists is where you are not serving. Considering how big xcloud was for Brazil, would that not be a great place to have PSNow?

Regardless, I will wait to see whst they offer and judge it then.

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I understand your reasoning but I’m not sure it fits Sony. Think back to early in this current generation when Xbox was willing to sacrifice Series X/S console sales so they could build servers using the new chips. I just don’t see PlayStation doing that. Not now, not next year, probably not the year after that. As long as there is a console shortage PS5 will get preferential treatment and the “PS5 cloud” will never get built, at least not for several years.

I don’t think MS announces anything, we’ll just have to see how Sony’s Spartacus news (and whatever else) plays out. Now I’m not expecting much from Sony on Spartacus mainly because I’m not sure they “have a champion” that is going to really push for it to succeed. This feels more like a reaction to Game Pass along the lines of “hey we’re doing it too!” which is very Sony IMO. They kinda put copies of popular things out there and then let them fizzle out. Don’t get me wrong now, it works for them for the most part. News like this keeps the Playstation brand hyped up with potential and before disappointment sets in there is something new coming out to be hyped about PS6 or PSVR2 or whatever.

Spartacus could very well be a game changer (heh) if Sony really backs it, but when Gran Turismo comes out with some bait and switch GAAS setup they have to backtrack I’m not too sure they are moving in a direction that people are going to like.

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Haven’t heard a thing

It always looked like the first half of 2022 was going to be sort of quiet. Based on hirings, looks like they’re setting up for a different communication strategy in the future. Assuming ABK closes, there’s going to be a ton to cover in 2023. I expect Bethesda will carry this year from E3 on but after that, expecting a very different Xbox/Microsoft Gaming. First half of 2022 is the final stretch owed to a previous version of Xbox.

As to the OP, I don’t think Microsoft needs to do anything to counter messaging. Nothing is won or lost this time in the year at this time in a generation while console supply is still low. Each platform will have time where they shine brightest.


Apparently MS has sent huge shipments of series consoles at the moment, saw a thread over on resetera… Now would be the time to get people hooked into the ecosystem.

The least they could do is advertise xcloud and get people gaming that way. I’ve never seen a commercial for this in my life.

Live Gold no longer require for Online Multiplayer all exisiting live gold subscribers turn into gamepass

Yeah, I think honestly if you want a “clap back” moment (and I dont see them needing to anyway), but if you do… xbox coming in and essentially saying “Right, this is even more easy for everybody. You’ve got Gamepass or Gamepass Ultimate. We are ditching GWG and making MP free for all” would be the mic drop of the generation.

Can Sony do it? Yes, they could. But they would take a huge hit (as would MS) and they are more reliant on that cash flow than MS is.

I still think it’s coming. GWG has been utter tripe for the longest time with no sign of getting better, and everybody knows killing the online sub would be massive.

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You mean the same Spartacus that was destroyed by Roman Empire in the end?


When we even have Jason of all people saying that the Spartacus announcement will likely disappoint a few I don’t think we’re in for a big surprise.