What Camera Perspective Would You Like To See MachineGames' Indiana Jones In?

trying not to laugh GIF


I expect it to be like Uncharted and the recent Tomb Raider games.

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If I was designing it, I would go with third person. But I’m still going to play it if it’s first person, even if I think it was a strange choice.

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That’s the worst case scenario - making another dull action-adventure game with 3rd person shooting with covers thrown in and that worthless automatic platforming…instead they could always go 1st person and make a game with exploration like Metroid Prime, shooting like Wolfenstein (also keep the lean button since it adds so much to the shootings) and actually good platforming like Mirror’s Edge. Sounds fuckin’ amazing to me but it’s not happening, we will most likely get an Uncharted/TR 2013-like game so you are probably right about expecting something along those lines.


Indie is not known for shooting his way of of a situation and is much more about set-pieces, linked with puzzles, fist fights and chases. This suggests to me at least that 3rd person is the optimal view.


So you are expecting a game with les emphasis on shooting and more on puzzles and platforming? a AAA game like that would be great IMO (and a really ballsy move) but I doubt it will be this way. Ι am all in for a game like that though, I just don’t want shitty automated platforming and I will be OK. :stuck_out_tongue:

I expect great platforming and puzzles in this game, I imagine it being an AAA La Mulana without the supernatural enemies but some Nazis or Russians in it.

Whip is your main weapon, revolver is your secondary that’s really powerful, but finding bullets for it is pretty rare, progression is based on whip skills, trick shots for the revolver and melee combos.

You can use the whip to get a weapon from the enemy and use it until it’s out of bullets, then use it for melee or throw it away.

Game would have “exploration pockets” with temples, ancient cities and villages, these have puzzles and multiple key items, throw chases and set pieces between these “exploration pockets” and it’s done.


I dont see a way where you make a modern indy game and not have some sort of shooting lol.

It’ll have shooting for sure, just won’t be the focus.

tbh I felt like Shadow of the Tomb Raider had a nice balance of exploring and shooting when compared to Rise which was just a warzone. Hope its some balance like that in some way.

I think it’ll be even less than tomb raider, we should see a ton of melee combat and platforming for action sequences though.

I have no idea, it’s just shooting is the last thing I think of when I visualise indie. But I do think of Uncharted style action, largely because of the set pieces. I’m sure they can evolve that and include proper puzzles.

Indiana Jones: The New Order

Indy wakes up after 14 years in a fridge to find that Nazis (he hates those guys) have taken over the world


You’re being unrealsitic. Metroid Prime you shoot a lot. Yes its adventure and more exploration but most of the game requires you to shoot. Indiana Jones is more about puzzles and fighting ancient monsters. IT should be like Castlevania 3D but more of an adventure.

And I hope to god its not like Mirrors Edge. That game gave me Nausea everytime i played it.

Also Uncharted got derivative because of the shooting. Indiana Jones isn’t going to be a 3rd person shooter with cover mechanics. The only way to do a good IJ game is to make it a linear but more combat focused Red dead type game.

We already have Indiana Jones games in the past, and they were Tomb Raider-y for the 3d ones (N64 and Xbox stuff). A reasonably amount of action, then platforming, then combat.

Crazy thought: what if we are thinking about Indiana Jones wrong?

I’ve made a case for third person, but it was largely under the idea it would be like Uncharted and Tomb Raider. However, the more I think on it, the more I think Indy’s style is more befitting of something like Yakuza, Batman Arkham/Shadow of Mordor or Assassin’s Creed. He could use his gun sparingly, Indy does in the movies, but what if it was primarily a modernized brawler/beat-em-up in an open world, with tombs to explore and missions, buildings to climb and parkour and more? It honestly seems more Indy than the modern Uncharted/Tomb Raider ludonarrative disonant shoot-em-ups.

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You would think Sony copy righted 3rd person action adventure games from some of the replies in here lol.

Just because another company is excelling at a genre it shouldn’t mean Xbox should try to avoid making games within that genre or vice versa with Sony and the multiplayer genre.

3rd person would be my ideal choice for Indy for obvious reasons listed in your OP.

Honestly I have no idea what direction they are gonna take the Indiana Jones game. Personally, I think 3rd person fit the adventure theme.