What are your expectations for Halo Infinite post delay?

I want their next vertical slice to show us MC fighting multiple scarabs with soldiers along his side. I want to see more physics interactivity. Give us atleast what was promised in the 2018 trailer in terms of visuals.

When I was watching the gameplay trailer the first time at the July event, I thought they were joking and the gameplay was playing on Xbox One. That they would transition to the Series X to show the massive difference in visual fidelity, AI, and physics. I thought that it would be crazy for Microsoft not to provide 2 teams to work on the game: one for current-gen and one for next-gen. The disappointment was unbearable.

I just hope they get their stuff together and finally put Halo back in the spotlight. If they fail to bring their “AAA” game and develop a great Halo game, I don’t see 343 surviving.

If this was really the reason they delayed it, then heads really need to roll at 343, management wise.

Ughhh - asking for people you don’t know and don’t understand their jobs and objectives to lose their jobs really isn’t good IMHO.

Its delayed because its not finished in time. In 5 years they have compiled a new engine and are tasked with building the largest and most ambitious new Halo game ever. That takes time and most big AAA games are 5 years plus and that’s without a new engine.

They are trying to recally OG Halo vibes and I appreciate that and the art style. Can’t wait personally.

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My expectations are pretty low at this point. Everything before the gameplay demo looked promising. Then the July event happened and it looked like a different game.343 is inconsistent. I hope infinite is a great game and makes me eat crow but I don’t have any faith that it’ll be amazing. I only expect it to be competent.

The gameplay didn’t look competent it looked freaking superb. Music too.

At the end of the day graphics are one of the last thing that people remember of a game. It’s also not what makes people keep coming back to play more. It looked fun as hell and as long as the rest of the game is like that infinite will be extremely successful.

Gameplay does look good. I’m referring to their track record and the way infinite shows as two different games. I understand not everyone sees it like I do but I just don’t have faith in 343 knocking it out of the park. I hope I am wrong and I have a substantial amount of crow to eat later next year.

Edit: Also, 343 has a track record of dropping the ball somewhere. With Halo 4 it was MP, with MCC it was connectivity at launch, with Halo 5 it was the campaign. With infinite it looks like the graphics. If graphics are the only thing wrong then we are in for a hell of a game. But I will wait until reviews drop before I get hyped for it. Thankfully Xbox isn’t nearly as reliant on Halo anymore.

What they showed was a sort of open world type setup and chief going from small group of enemies. The combat and stuff looked great. But you need more than just small groups of enemies in pockets Destiny free roam style…and that’s all they showed. So I think calling it freaking superb is a bit OTT, personally. If that was the extent of the open world…then not good…

So I’m not a fan of Halo really. I played all of them through the MCC. But definitely preferred Halo 5. Fans will probably be really angry I said that.

I also felt the same way with Gears. Wasn’t a big fan for Gears 1-3, but liked Gears 4, and absolutely love Gears 5.

I’m really hoping Halo Infinite makes me like the franchise in the same way Gears did. Having free multiplayer is great, and essential with Warzone being free and all. Hope they delay it as long as they can.

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You know it’s fine if you didn’t care for Halo before 5. People need to accept that not everyone likes the same things as them. Some one else’s love or dislike shouldn’t invalidate how you feel about that thing. Enjoy what you enjoy.

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I assume some visual upgrades, day one ray tracing. But most importantly for me, I hope with Joe Staten they can make the campaign epic and super tight.

I know they said the game would be more accessible than Halo 5 (thankfully), but it’s Zeta Halo, I hope there will be a ton of optional lore when you explore that ring. I’m reading the Forerunner trilogy right now and there’s so much history there.

Like others have said, I see some visual updates. I’m hoping if they have stuff they wanted to implement but couldn’t in time that they can now. I want this game to be a huge boon for 343.

Also hoping Xbox, now with more time, makes a Halo Infinite edition of the Series X.

I doubt the campaign would change much if at all also tbey have said there’s stuff they put in the game that is lore related that sent chills down their spine

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Damn that sounds good. I assume Palace of Pain, emprisoned graveminds, Precursor/Primordial stuff. That would be epic. Maybe some stuff about Chakas/Riser…

They brought Joe Staten so I assume the campaign needed some tweaks. Nothing major necessarily.

June 29th it seems

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I still expect it to look more current gen then next gen in the end

It kinda feels like every Series X launch game looks current gen, unlike PS5. Not throwing shade or anything, just an observation.

XSX only has The Medium as a launch console exclusive, and Bloober Team doesn’t have the budget to make an impressive graphical showcase

I dunno I’m pretty bummed out by it all. Kinda fell for the hype a bit. I’m sure it will turn out a good and I’ll play it multiple times at all difficulties, but something about 343 is rubbing me the wrong way now.

I would love a decent injection of ray traced reflections.

Scenario: as I’m in awe at looking at the metallic surface of a ancient forerunner structure. I start to notice these undefined dark objects on the surface of the structure, they start to become more defined and detailed I realize it’s the reflection of three Brutes charging up behind me, I’m able to spin around just in time to mow then all down all without getting a scratch. Thanks ray tracing…