I’m working on a new map and just joined a new Forge community on Discord - I posted this question in the main forum as well - I need to remove a map that I posted up here, and I cannot see how to do this inside of Forgera. Can someone please assist with how to do this? I don’t see any option to do so once I’ve selected the map under “My Content”.
I’ve done that for you. Presuming it was shady hilly and not shady hills.
Is anyone currently working on Dispatch from halo 4 or any other of the "comp " maps from that halo to be brought into infinite? Im very new to forging but H4 forge and inf forge are separate worlds entirely. I figured there should be an easier way than eyeballing since the scales are off between the two.
This is my first Halo Forge map and the layout is based on a Quake 3 Arena tourney map of mine. It’s been a great test bed for learning the Forge tools and while not designed from the start for Halo Infinite game modes, I think it’s working well for 3v3 Slayer with support for Oddball, King of the Hill, and Strongholds for some intense nowhere-to-hide gameplay for small team matches. The bots are working well so far and I’m having a blast in my personal playtests
The theme of the map is “filthy Banished are looting Forerunner tech”. I’ve made a start on the fun janky Banished parts but I’m holding off the Forerunner detail work until I’m really happy that the map plays well. I’m working to get it ready to publish as a WIP for player feedback after I do some design tweaks to remove Repulser-jump exploits.
Let me know what you think, does this map layout look too strange/different for Halo or might players be interested in the fast, in-your-face type of Q3 inspired combat?
Cheers, Mark
I’ve made some great progress since my last post and am currently hosting an Open Lobby in the evenings for playtesing as a soft launch before publishing the map. Look in the Customs Browser for “Flowstate (WIP)”.
The map is 2v2 / 4v4 with full bot support and is set up for most arena game modes (Slayer, CTF, One Flag, King of the Hill, Strongholds, Oddball). One Flag is quite fun with the asymmetric layout
Quick teaser video - Halo Infinite "Flowstate" teaser - YouTube
Walkthrough from a few days ago with still a bit of grey blockout geo around the Sword - https://twitter.com/nkdfry/status/1648791086091911171?s=20
Thanks for checking it out, hope to you see you online!