What are you currently playing?

Ascent is actually really good. Its a great old school twin stick shooter with passable story(which does the job, not something to pay attention to) but amazing graphics and great gameplay. Its one of those games which is just fun to play.

Halo and Forza Horizon 5 will be playing after a while. I have a backlog of so many old games. Would like to finish them first. But you never know if i feel like playing my might start Halo too. But want to play RDR2, Disco Elysium or Dishonored 2 first.

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The Ascent was great!! Hoping Microsoft acquires Neon Giant.

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I agree. The talent is top tier.

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Picked up Virginia for £1.99 in the sale on a whim and really enjoyed it. Didnt have a clue what was going on in the final act but gave me those nostalgic 90s xfiles and twin peaks vibes and they were able to convey so much about the characters without any dialogue whatsoever.

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I’m playing Crysis. It has not aged well…

Biomutant on Series X. Just past the halfway point. It’s good but not great.

I’m waiting for Game Pass on that one hehe.

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Smart decision.

Dropped and uninstalled Biomutant. Re-bought Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep as I keep watching trailers for Wonderlands so I was like, let me give this another chance. Will be starting it later today.

This was free to play one weekend and I was considering buying it beforehand. What I played didn’t really catch me so I did the same thing.

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How it’s different from the usual action open world like AC which you like (if I remember well XD)? Empty world? Bad combat system? Story?

Actually, I uninstalled and refunded Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep after 90 minutes. After playing Borderlands 3 for 30 hours, I just can’t get into it. It all feels and looks off which makes sense since it’s a decade old expansion.

Anyway, I reinstalled Biomutant (disc) and thankfully, I had my game save file in the cloud so I can pick up right where I left off on Tuesday.

The world is beautiful and very lush and colorful. Easy 9/10 in visuals at least for me. Audio is solid with the music and sound effects. Not having full voice acting is a huge negative for me and the narrator despite having him set to only talk during main points is so very annoying and the dialogue is bad. I get what they were trying to do but doesn’t work for me.

Combat/gameplay is good but there’s too many systems. Perfect examples of less is more and jack of all trades but master of none. It’s just too much. They needed to pick 3 systems and that’s it. Instead, there’s like 7 or so if I was to go through them all.

Story/characters is nothing special. Basic. Generic. The world is dying and there’s a tree that you need to save. You can either go “light” or “dark” throughout the game. Basically be good or bad. I have gone through the game all good with only one dark thing I did which was just stupid shit on my part by setting a friendly outpost on fire by accident that was on the road. Thought it was enemies and they weren’t. lol

Add in no voice acting for the characters and just the narrator again, is a major negative for me. Side content is fine. Nothing special from what I have seen even though I know there’s some good loot and whatnot but im honestly just doing the story.

In all honestly, im just trying to complete one last game from 2021 so I have a nice top ten as it also makes my percentages easier to calculate on my documents and spreadsheets. Also, it doesn’t help that im super hyped for Dying Light 2. I want January to zoom by. lol. So whenever I get hyped for a game that’s a few weeks away, the game im playing suffers if it’s not what I consider to be a top tier major game that I wanted to play.

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You’ll get a backlog challenge point for Biomutant also! :wink:

Thanks for the free review, I was thinking to buy it, now I’ll wait for GP, honestly the combat you are describing is not ideal for me.

I’m waiting for the final preview of DL2, but I’m mostly going to buy it anyway. XD

Really? Because if it’s based on purchases since Xbox Series/PS5 launched, I have a few games then. Biomutant, Nier Replicant which I completed a week ago and Cyberpunk.

You’re welcome. It’s not that Biomutant is a bad game because it’s not. It’s basically a 7/10 game. Good for what it is but if you’re not into playing it, you’re not going to miss much if anything if you don’t play it.

I’m most likely buying the $100 ultimate edition for DL 2 digitally as im all in for the game. Plus, the melee combat looks to be at a high level. I’m not huge on first person melee combat based games because they’re just not great but DL 2 seems like it could surpass Dishonored 2 which is for me, the best melee combat in a first person game.

Yeah, whatever you own and haven’t finished prior to 1/1/22 will count if you finish it this year. :slight_smile:

Nice. Then I won’t be at 0. lol. I’ll be around +3 or something like that. Good to know. Thanks Mort.

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Finished the base Control, now I’m going for the DLCs (I already began The Foundation), in the end the final score is the same as QB: 8,5. The story and character are arguably worse, I continue to think it, that universe was so much more fleshed out and grounded by big actors than this one…gameplay-wise this is the natural continuation of QB, the powers are slightly changed only for IP sake (also covers were better there, here are trash, they protagonist don’t use them at all), the real upgrade is the metroidvania-light (because areas are disjointed and the zones not accessible immediately when you see them are few) structure which gives longevity without being a slog like most open worlds. I’d say it’s a pity this was not QB2 as a high profile Xbox exclusive, this is a MS mistake which will keep haunting the brand, like AW2, etc…Xbox severely lacks these kind of games in its line-up, I think the only annonced are HB2 and PD (which is a FPS anyway, so it’s a “no” for people who like 3rd person actions).

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In between doing the FH5 weekly stuff, currently playing Call of Juarez Gunslinger.

I’m going to be starting Control base game next week since I didn’t finish it when it released. With no new games for me until February, I figure the time is now. I did play through two thirds of it back when it released and can agree with everything you said. But one thing I rarely see anyone mention is the environmental destruction in the game. I loved seeing all the windows shatter or the concrete pillars get destroyed when using your abilities. It was so damn good. And with the Ultimate Edition, I will be playing at 60FPS so it should be even better.