This quote:
We’ve been really innovating for a long time in the console space, and as we partner across the industry it’s really about how do we bring those innovations that we’ve incubated and developed in the console space and bring them to PC and bring them to the handheld gaming space
Combined with this quote:
I think it’s going to be a journey and I think you’ll see a lot of investments over time that you’re starting to see already, but we’ll have a lot more to share later this year.
Makes me suspect (assume, really) that there’ll be third party handheld PCs coming out this year that’ll have this new UI/OS/whatchamacallit.
Maybe Asus’ next entry in the Ally line? MSI’s next Claw?
Interesting times ahead.
(emphasis mine)
I hope between Steam deck OS and Xbox OS we get the chance to build our own PC slap and one of these OS’s on it or both of them and then it becomes a Console for TV couch use.
Sony can sit alone trying to keep their single hardware strategy working all they want.
Well if they really make the hybrid device AND perhaps even make legacy Xbox games compatible with some sort of new tailored Xbox OS for Windows PCs, I‘d be in heaven.
If what Tom says in this tweet is what they end up doing, then it will be a home run provided they execute it well. Running the Xbox OS as a virtual machine with the option to then choose the full desktop mode.
They can’t just make an Xbox UI and use the Xbox app/Microsoft store to run the stuff. It needs to be full XboxOS.
If they acheive that then I don’t see why they wouldn’t carry over this work into the next Xbox console itself. It would run the full XboxOS with the option to run the desktop mode which would allow you to use other stores, maybe they can then get all games from all stores to show up in the main Xbox OS UI too.
I hope the days of static non adjustable consoles are over. For all the stupid doom and gloom people post about console wars this kind of industry expanding stuff is super exciting and makes complete sense since the consoles have just been PC’s for a few generations now.
It seemed stupid and limiting that the the last two gens of consoles were essentially PC’s with a custom OS on them that eliminated the fact the hardware was capable of so much more.
Some of the theory crafting I see other places about the emerging dominance of Steam OS makes me laugh.
The same people that like to pretend that the world is ending when Xbox misses one game, are suddenly ok with hundreds/thousands of incompatible/unverified games, including some of the biggest.
Assuming they streamline console with the handheld I hope they finally overhaul some of UI features across both PC, Handheld and Console.
- A ‘platinum’ achievement equivalent
- Achievement tracking
- YouTube implementation (for guides) or a Game Help equivalent.
- Better dynamic backgrounds
- Better video capture/editing
- Better mod support
- Better community features (like Steam).
- Friend Feed
- Better store features (like following a specific individual or seeing which games your friends own).
- Steam Badges equivalent
- Steam Groups equivalent
- Steam Market equivalent (to sell items or perhaps even your digitally owned games)
But that would be fun, cool and useful?
So…not happening.
You’re taking that PSNMortdog ‘joke’ to heart, eh?
Some people will turn everything jnto warz, so stupid. People should just play their games where they want and Stfu
I have been talking about some of the things on that list for a long, long time.
I think the cool thing here is they know what they need to do and are working towards it. At this point will there even need to be a NextGen as it seems we are basically entering it early.
I feel the same and I’m cautiously optimistic. The one nagging feeling I have is that the Xbox team never fails to step on the rake. And they seem to take forever to put themselves in an advantageous position in terms of first, best or most.
xCloud is a great example of WTF. It’s not class-leading in any way and it’s not on nearly enough devices. It’s wild to me that the multi-trillion dollar, cloud-first company let that happen, with seemingly small steps taken to improve it since its launch in 2021. I know Sarah Bond mentioned back in May that they are investing in xCloud, so hopefully the next iteration is a generational leap better, right up there with GFN.
Hopefully this new Xbox OS comes out as something better than a beta-like product that takes years to fully materialize. Having worked in a 200,000+ tech behemoth for a while a few years ago, I am all too familiar with the way competing priorities between product managers across divisions makes everything absurdly difficult and slow, all while making businesses cases to the finance team for every dollar. And Xbox has to work with both Windows and Azure teams. In any case, I still want to see them figure out how to do better things faster, or they’re going to get lapped.
i have very low expectations for this thing.
Full Xbox OS is Dead then.
I would rather they implement a badge system as platinum achievement doesn’t make sense with dlc unless you’re doing 2 platinum achievements. Maybe if they seperate the dlc achievements from the base game, but even then it’s just wonky to me.
They already have it, but since Microsoft doesn’t come up with achievements that people can get, only the devs can implement the tracking. Microsoft also can’t force devs to do something about it.
Laughing in Google.
I would rather they allow us to use gifs of short videos that we can upload from a USB.
The current video capture and edit is better than it was a while ago, but that’s not saying much. As for making that a reality, I doubt they will as it would be easier to allow people to download editing tools to use instead.
We did hear that rumor about modding through Xbox live, but at this point that’s probably dead. But giving Xbox OS better windows features could mean we could download the Nexus mod manager and use it to mod supported games.
I don’t bother with the general community on consoles or steam so everything that’s just copy steam is like.
But with hopefully better moderation.
I think they are probably all hands on deck on getting this thing to work, which is why the progress in other areas we want has been slowed.
Would expect to not see many of these types of improvements until they deliver a good core experience.