Turn 10 and Forza Motorsport. What happened?

Wow wtf. It’s like the paint and/or gloss finish shaders are bugged or something, if those truly are the same colors in vinyl and paint that is.

At the end of the day it’s a video game. Maybe the “hyper realism” of previous games is preferable to the washed-out realism that we got. I guess that’s all subjective though.

The thing is that hyper real stylistic driving games graphically probably have gone as far as they can. The next frontier is the most realistic lighting and materials possible which FM is definitely pushing towards…but there is still some ways to go.

I think that that kind of game like GT7 with hundreds of cars that few will drive is not maintainable. Too much time to devote to polish all of them, and the expectations of gamers are also not honest and those people will never be satisfied anyway.

Also, please do have some respect to working people when you say they lack skills.

The whole industry is neglecting PC ports. I am used to buy Sony ports with delay (I bought Returnal yesterday) and most PC AAA ports should be touched the same way “at the end the best version, but the end can be late”.

I must be playing a different Forza to most. The graphics look beautiful easily the best-looking console racer around and the game has to handle more features than GT7 even more cars on screen too. Sound is brilliant and so is the AI.

I’m disappointed with the basic menu look and also I would have liked to see more raytracing used in the replays

I don’t think there is anything brilliant about the AI in my experience. You can see in the two clips below how bad it is. I rarely have fun racing with the AI, instead it’s usually an exercise is frustration. They just don’t care about your presence and have no issue ramming into you. The second clip gave me a 2.5 second penalty even though there was no reason for the car to my left to hit me. It had plenty of room on the road.



Edit: sorry had issues posting the vids. Hopefully these links work

I like it because you can see AI outbreak themselves and also have big tussles with each other. It is far better than anything I saw in GT7 and right up there with Codemasters little gem of a racer GRID: Legends

I would have liked to have seen the graphics upped in the replays mind

After putting in a few hours I have started to see what people mean.

At night in the rain is where Forza Motorsport really sports it’s visuals, it looks absolutely phenomenal, GT can’t come even close visually to what Forza can offer.

During the day in bright sunlight, there’s something just a bit odd. It’s actually probably more realistic than GT but the cars just seem a little washed out compared to the surroundings. It almost gives an effect where the cars are overlaying/stuck on and not in the same scene.


Wow, that really does demonstrate the issue well. I’ll be putting vinyl on everything now.

What you’re describing is actually poor AI, not good AI. Good AI would be able to battle each other, and you, without treating each race like they were in bumper cars. They should be trying to avoid hitting other cars, and especially you, not completely disregarding your position and hitting you if you’re on their line. The cars in GT7 at least make an attempt to avoid hitting you when possible, the same can’t be said for Forza. You might be fine with bad AI but at the end of the day it’s still bad AI. You’ll never see actual races where drivers needlessly hit each other like they do in this game.

To add salt to the wound, the AI rarely receives any penalties when they hit you or each other. In that first clip I posted, not a single car had any penalties at the end, even though one came back onto the track to ram multiple cars. And again, in the second clip I posted, I was the one to get a 2.5 second penalty for the AI hitting me when it didn’t need to. The least Turn 10 can do is balance out the penalty system so the AI is properly punished when they screw up your race with their terrible driving.


Same. I have been driving in the daytime, with good weather, and as you say its like the cars are just stuck on top of the environment. They seem separate from the track, like they are taped on top of it. They dont react to the lighting of the track, dont reflect properly the surroundings, either with cube maps or RT, and thats why they dont seem to be in the same plane as everything else. The cars are very flat texture wise. There is very little deformation with where the lights are etc, and when you add to that the poor paint shaders, the cars look like they have matte coloured vynal wraps on them. The car models are a big step backwards for me, and in a game where the cars are the main point of it, then it sticks out like dog balls.

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I have seen cars just run straight off the track for no reason. I think there is some sort of thing where the AI copies the actions of the player. For instance, if you hit a few cars, then the AI cars tend to run into you more. Same goes for if you run off the track, then the AI cars will also do it themselves as well.

Its a car game, so updating the car models is kinda important dont you think? Even with the new car models, there is something still lacking. The car models in GT7, which was also developed for the PS4, are well ahead of Forza. Its always been the same, and something Turn 10 were working on. They talked about putting all this effort into getting the paint to be more realistic with how it reacts with light, when infact they look worse.

As for calling them out, well when devs do good work, they get the praise. When they do it not so good, they get called out. Its all feedback. Some people arnt suited to doing certain things, so if they have artists 3D modelling guys, who cant seem to nail the look of the cars, then maybe this genre isnt for them. Not all artists excell at the same things.

I feel like I’m playing and looking at an entirely different game, on both Series X and PC, than you are. It’s gorgeous most of the time, with some natural lighting situations that aren’t going to be “jaw dropping”. It’s a platform, they’ll fix it over time, and if we aren’t going to hold everyone over the coals for “deceptive marketing” then I honestly don’t give a shit.


Yeah the AI is terrible. Worse than FM7. Overtaking is horrible for that reason as they often will just cut your line and not in a good driving defensive way but just come right across and you can’t avoid them.

They also love to just rear end on corners and can finish your race effectively.

Middle pack starts are horrendous, the AI treat it as a destruction Derby and just all fly into the racing line with reckless abandon….free for all.

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Does anyone know if they plan to add Prague, Rio, Dubai, Alpine etc to the game over time? These were my favourite tracks to race because they were interesting to look at - the ones they’ve gone with are mostly rather barren and drab

They’ve said they will add more tracks over time but I haven’t seen which tracks unless they’ve maybe said one of them. Also fuzzy memories but are those all fictional tracks? I think they’ll probably add a mix of those and real. I don’t think they’re likely to add much more than 4 - 5 a year though but that’s just a guess.

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I dont know about the issues you are having with the AI. For me its fine. Sure the first corner is messy, but have you seen a real F1 or DTM race? After that i have way more fun battling one on one here than in FM7 where the AI always had very weird brake points.

Played a lot more and I think the visuals are pretty great, but I need to see all sorts of race conditions and tracks to see where it looks bad.

Technically, it’s impressive. The time of day seems to use calculations for atmospheric scattering because it’s done so convincingly. I’ve been playing 24hr races (condensed to 1hr) and it looks really good. So many aspects of the lighting that they pulled off well.

I’m the sort of person that prefers the visuals in Gran Turismo and Forza Horizon over Forza Motorsport, and I think this iteration compares well. Better in many respects.

I know a lot of people complain about the lengthy development time but I think they are factoring in that this new iteration of Forza Tech is also a platform for the next generation of the Horizon series.

The fact that every single track supports full day/night and weather tells me that the engine supports a feature fundamental to the Horizon series and they took advantage of it for their own Motorsport series.

Also that six year number is pretty misleading because it has been 6 years since the last release but the reality is this game’s development is less than that. I believe it was a 2019 or 2020 GDC talk where their art director talked about their visual production pipeline and it was pretty clear that the game was extremely early in terms of the development at that point. That was just three or four years ago. It could be various explanations as to how and why they got to this game so late and I can think of a few but it’s all educated guesses.

You throw in COVID and the dev cycle doesn’t really seem too out of the ordinary.

I have a bunch of problems with the game and a lot of it has to do with design. I see and appreciate the intention behind Builders cup, and the idea of a “CarPG” but the execution is so obviously flawed that I wonder how it wasn’t beholden to some debate within the team.

I can rant about the upgrade system not making any sense for so many reasons, but even things like the races themselves don’t make any sense to me. Four laps on short tracks with a field of 24 cars doesn’t make sense. The fact that you have to level up every car that you have, even if it’s the same car you’ve already maxed out, doesn’t make sense (though I have to question the intelligence of anyone who claims that T10 did this to pad play time).

I have a few problems with the AI but my biggest problem is that disparity between the first few positions and the last few positions is pretty significant, and those ones are so incompetent it’s as if they haven’t driven a car before. Again, this is a design problem with some obvious solutions.

Despite these issues the game feels great to drive and I’m left with a positive experience overall. In some respects this is T10’s best work but when you compare the game as a package to games like Forza Motorsport 4, there was way more content in that and so this falls short. But a lot of those FM4 tracks were inaccurate and the physics were basic and that game can’t compete in many regards to this.

I think we forget that even though we can compare things like the number of tracks, when we factor in that these tracks are accurate to the millimeter and feature full day/night cycles with full weather, it’s not fair to make that “content volume” comparison. The amount of work to create one of these tracks versus one of those older tracks is exponentially greater. This is why I’m not knocking the game for a reduced amount of content at launch. But I do have to question poor design. We’ve seen the same thing with Halo Infinite’s online. I wish there was some level of oversight from Xbox Game Studios that questions some of these decisions early in development.

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I think you are being a little condescending. I’m a big fan of BTCC and despite having the best most skilled racers in their sport there are always crashes and contact: That’s what happens when you have over 20 cars on a narrow track trying to outbreak each other and what makes it so great to watch on TV. I love in Forza how AI cars will spin and go off the track in front of you and you have to react sometimes in a split second

GT7 is just so safe and boring it offers or tries nothing new right down the AI It’s the same old boring GT with pretty car models and a wonderful VR mode .

I would agree with Forza’s penalty system though :slight_smile: