Honestly this great news. Hoping for more japanese games on the Xbox. Don’t expect anything major. Probably ports of older games and more xcloud/Gamepass commercial.
It’s actually called showcase. Not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice if it’s something…new and nice. This is probably what that rumor was about?
I’m sure people are hoping for great things but I just want them to announce xcloud here. I don’t expect next gen to do well. The PS4 is the worst selling playstation console so far in Japan despite its success elsewhere and the enormous size of the new consoles won’t help.
Xcloud has a lot of potential here especially if they can get some good Japanese games on the service.
I have a 50gb data plan for a pretty reasonable price so it should be possible to do some gaming on the commute.
Have Xbox/MS ever been present at TGS before? They did try to appeal to the Japanese market in its earlier days, so it wouldnt surprise me, but if they did, it must have been a long time ago
Xcloud certainly is the play here. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a combination of late ports, partnerships and maybe some future games being revealed. The only big question I’d have if XGS would be there as well.
Was it Matt Booty that said they have enough games in the pipeline that they could show off a new one at every big event going forward? Though i’m not sure how big TGS is to Xbox…