This is the first in-gameplay trailer for the new Fable

Originally published at: This is the first in-gameplay trailer for the new Fable - XboxEra

Today Playground Games and Xbox Game Studios showed the first in-engine trailer for Fable. It stars British comedian Richard Ayoade as a giant, which suggests he’s some type of boss character.


I hope the “cinematic feeling” stuff doesn’t end up making this game another Witcher 3… Because Fable is not that.

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It looked like a platformer. I don’t know what to expect now. It feels like they were inspired by Grounded. I don’t know what to think.

Yeah, good point. Same here, no idea what to think of this trailer at all when it comes to how the gameplay will be like.

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Yeah didn’t get “platformer” from what they showed at all.


I’m sure it’s not but that ending took me by surprise. Are we playing that tiny girl ?? I can’t wrap my head around what I saw.

I feel like they leaned to heavily into a focused story… I hope we will be able to create our character and grow them through our vision. This feels a bit too “cinematic”.

The girl isnt tiny, the british guy was a giant.

Hence the giant beanstalk that shot into the sky.


Hopefully PG gives some actual details on it during the follow up show. Because I’m just confused, what kind of game are they going with here? Wasn’t it said to be open world RPG?


Okay, yeah, that makes more sense.

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There is a shot of her climbing up the step to a giant door as well.

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Graphically looks good but being an in-engine trailer without gameplay, there is no guarantee it will look close to this.

The vibe feels kind of like Fable, I’m intrigued.

Pretty sure that is meant to be a giant she’s fighting. Think “Jack and the beanstalk”. Also there was definitely gameplay mixed in there , particularly the parts where she’s in the forest.

Yeah I also hope they let us create our own character but Fable hasn’t done that before so I’m not expecting it.


The one thing that took my by surprise was the faces, or how do you say…the realistic look of the characters. Fable always had caricature characters, if that makes sense. They really are going for actual human like here.

The trailer said in-game footage so that is apparently what the game looks like. Also, I think it is safe to ease the concern over writing as it looks like Playground will try with this one lol.


Seeing giant and small humans took me off guard

More questions now


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Im glad they didnt go with the cartoony artstyle of the previous fable games. Stylized but in a realistic sort of way, kinda like Horzion Forbidden West.


Never Doubt Playground.


Indeed. They clearly labled it as in game so have to take their word for it. It is not like they haven’t proved themselves to be technical wizards.


I’ve bought the 360 only for Fable 2+3. Brought the One day one because of Fable Legends.

And now in 2023 we see a new Fable in engine and it’s incredible.