The US Capitol Building is Under Seige by Trump Supporters, Gunfire Reported

Thank you! Can we please stop downplaying the historical, and terrible, significance of yesterday? I mean, there’s a reason leaders around the world watched in shock and released statements reiterating as much. This was a radicalized army aided by members of the Capitol police that planted pipe bombs and ended with four dying, and we were only lucky that the Secret Service was able to protect members of Congress, the staff and journalists that would have been victims to these lunatics. People need to look at history a little more to realize that this moment’s significance is terrifying (Munich Putsch if you need help, following by the burning of the Reichstagg as its follow-up).

Every GOP member of Congress needs to re-evaulate the fact that their toxic, xenophobic, us vs. them rhetoric has dire consequences, but judging by last night’s disgraceful display, they won’t. The media, especially conservative media, is equally culpable as is Facebook, Twitter, and all the other platforms that granted impunity to Trump, and his zealots, allowing them to spew their verifiably-false, hate-filled bile unchecked… as we’ve seen over the past four years, that’s all that takes to radicalize and bring fringe rhetoric to the forefront. Conservatives have spent decades making one group after another the scapegoat for all their followers’ ills, and this was the only logical outcome, as history has shown us time and time again.


Indeed and it seems that they just start again!

I mean, it only took a few of these extremist to claim Fox News being “Fake news and false news!” and shouting at them. AND BAM, they are back to defense mode!

They haven’t learned a thing, and these people aren’t going away. If Biden appeases the GOP, this WILL happen again if not worse!

And in case there were any questions on loyalty:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1347207462097715200|twgr^share_0|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

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They need to invoke the 25th right NOW, actually should’ve been done years ago, Trump is very dangerous and has been obvious to me and a lot of people for years, even the Republicans knew but once they won everything with him they didn’t care anymore, Ted Cruz and a bunch of other Republicans alongside Trump should be removed from office, they are to blame for this, what would’ve happened if those people came face to face with Pelosi, AOC etc would they have asked nicely to please give the election to Trump? I’m sure it would’ve been way worse.

Watch that video from before Trump became president, Republican politicians knew who he was.


Of course they did, but as per usual: they thought they could control the beast. And no… Trump is not the “beast”, the beast is that little voice inside all of us… that instinct in our lizard brain, that thing that can be overridden by our higher brain functions if we just calmly listen to reason of our own mind and others. BUt… that can be abused by forces that wish harm on everybody but themselves.

That “beast” comes in handy to people like Senator Graham. It advances his career.

This is the woman that died:

Clearly she isn’t sane anymore, you want to shout at her “YOU ARE DRIVING! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS WHILE DRIVING!”. But her lizard brain is overruling all of her actions. She is doing what makes that primal part of her brain feel “nice”. And each time you’d make progress with someone like that, OANN and Facebook groups will undo it in under 2 minutes. Imagine being her daughter… and trying very hard to get your mom to stop this. Each time you get further… these grifters will make sure they get their hooks in deeper.

It is sad and we need to hold people like LIndsey Graham responsible for these things. Sure these people are responsible for their actions, but it CANNOT be true that the ones that pulled the strings get off scot-free. People like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump Jr, William Bar, The Reagans (they killed millions to get in to power abusing Satanic Panic and Homophobia!),etc…

This is over 40 years of catering to groups and cults that are extremely dangerous. It needs to end now… or they might as well give up. If the Biden administration placates them? or allows them an out? Then in 4 years… they will be BACK!


I agree with all that, this started over 20-30 years ago with right wing radio, then it moved to TV with Fox News and more and now the QAnon people, this has been years in the making and millions of us saw it coming and the Republicans in office are to blame for enabling it.

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Thank you, but it’s why I feel so annoyed a bit that here in Europe (UK included), they now act all arrogant. Have you read the Murdoch owned press from the UK? Or Right wing rags from EU countries? they are not much better. There are those that play a dangerous game for their own gain. I mean “LGBTQ+ free zones” in Poland don’t just happen unless the politicians need a scapegoat! And the less said about Viktor Orban the better. It’s an international problem, and I often have a day job (when visiting my parents), trying to deprogram my father.

Luckily he is an old anarchist hippie (actual anarchocommunist ), so he is willing to look a bit more into books from Noam Chomsky and sources like that. If he wasn’t? I would have lost him to the cult a long time ago. I can only imagine if your once decent GOP family member… has been led into this rabbit hole of rhetoric. It would seem to be a lost cause.

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This is where I am. Constantly. He is a fairly recent widower (just over 2 years now) and ex-military and ex-Highway Patrol. Just yesterday, I was trying to clarify the impossibility of “fascist anti-fascist” with him. He thought “antifa” meant anti-first amendment. I sent him a TON of literature on it including some articles from the current FBI director. If someone is fascist or using fascist tactics they are not ANTIFA no matter what they or media call themselves. His usual retort is “both sides.” While I agree both parties are an issue, one is a bit self-serving and too far right, the other is ultra-far-right violent authoritarianism and openly dangerous! Like comparing a spoiled brat to a psychopathic serial killer.

I’ve been “feeling” this shift in the US since I was a kid and didn’t know how to describe it. I’m also fairly reclusive (after living as oppressed as a non-religious white kid can in an oppressive church-run red-state) and avoid social media generally. But after marrying a mix-race wife and having a mixed-race autistic kid, I am more more keenly aware of the dangers from this ultra-right wing that see my family as “the other” and me as a co-conspirator or accomplice. Hope, to me, if fairly fleeting knowing the democrats will likely hold no one to account for these atrocities thereby letting them fester and deepen.

To date, I generally still “throw my vote away” by researching independents that I hope won’t succumb to the dark money of citizens united or the trappings of falsehoods from any number of propaganda machines.

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I’m really trying to stay away from commenting on political drama these days, but this is (another) one for the history books & I’ve got to say how stunned I am.

I can’t believe these rioters actually got into the Capital building. I can’t properly process the images of them in the chambers, standing at the dais. It’s unbelievable.

Now people are dead & other people (who took selfies during the carnage!!!) are in serious trouble when the law comes knocking… & for what? Absolutely nothing. This madness was for nothing, driven by the lies of a proven liar. It’s unreal.

These are historic times we’re living through & future civilisations will look back on events like this with sadness & shame.

Right, but we should all be thankful that this was for absolutely nothing and that they are as moronic and incompetent as their Führer. These rioters terrorists could have set the whole building on fire.

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They literally tried, with placed explosives thankfully found and safely removed by the “bomb squad.” We should hold our thanks for a bit and see what changes, if any, come from this. Competent terrorists would have been within striking distance of removing the 2nd, 3rd, and (I believe?) 4th in our National chain-of-command in one brief attack.

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Nothing will change. Prominent Republicans are already back to “Business as usual” of blaming Democrats for everything. The harsh reality is that Republicans need these people in order to win elections and they’re probably terrified that these people will splinter off and create/support a new party which will split the conservative vote.

I don’t have any fondness for either party, but I have zero faith that most Republicans will do the right thing here.


I can’t disagree with anything here. Sadly, I am not surprised at that either.

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Finally! I’m still amazed Facebook of all places beat them to it!

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OH yeah this shift has been going on world wide for some time, they have been orchestrating this tactic for ages now, slight differences per region but orchestrated. There are big forces at work, from both groups that don’t know what they are dealing with, to people that actually wish for a fourth reich. Luckily the later are far from critical mass, but they don’t need a majority. They need a minority of say 25 % of people that wish to “act and do”. Imagine if the Capitol was stormed by 300.,000 people. That would have really been the end of the USA as a stable country. YOu’d be looking at an actual civil war. RIght now it’s just people that won’t go away and that are a problem that needs solving. But they are not at critical mass yet. … thank goodness.

We are more at 1923 not 1933.

Jup the differences were not only hte earlier mentioned numbers, but also the experience and willingness to do something. 14000 Nazi party members from the SA… were more capable back then and a whole lot more driven to kill. Luckily this was meal team six and they still got people killed. But in bigger numbers? Meal team six also would have pushed through.

Jup just the other day I saw the Ambassador to the Netherlands? And he was both sidesing it like crazy and hiding behind “the law” it was sickening. They are already getting away with it, and this will be a bigger problem in 4 years. Trump wasn’t capable yet, and his followers still too “stupid”, but once they get more “hardened” and a smarter leader? Fuuuck these idiots aren’t going away… and then it becomes a scary thing. Yet the Republicans still do not wish to change this. Which is very unsettling.

This schmuck (Hoekstra) even used the “Bush lied people died” quote as a “both sides/same thing!” quote. They are already on the attack!

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Damnit man. Shitheads like Lyndsey Graham saying to just “heal” and not prosecute… shit like this is the result of what happened. They tried to kill the VP and Speaker of the house. 6 are now dead in relation to it in various ways. Impeach and imprison everyone involved.


This is literally coming from someone who is part of a party who lost their collective minds, and we are still witnessing the backlash, for the audacity of the US electing a black man to the presidency.

Save me the healing BS, these people are not interested and are too far gone in their bubble and would rather have Trump become a dictator than democracy continuing and meaning Biden becoming president.


Fiona Hill penned that…holy shit. She knows her stuff on this issue. Thanks for posting.

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