OH yeah, the next one will be way worse. There is always a next one. There are those that think they can “use” these kind of tactics and feelings, think they can “control” it. Usually religious right wing nutters (televangelists) that just grift or politicians that think it helps them. But it bit many a historical ruler in the arse (there are so many examples of this from Greek, Roman and Egyptian times it’s mental that politicians haven’t learned from it).
It’s the one that is the true believer, and competent in that! That is the one that will be scary, sure there will still be grifters that will go along with it (as always), but this true believer that is the one that will go all out. People forget that Adolf Hitler also was very active in the streets, he carried a whip and had murdered people before he got to power. He wasn’t a “small little dictator” as portrayed in many movies, the man was an abusive sociopath with a lust for young girls, that loved showing them how “scared his dogs” were of him.
He was a lot smarter than given credit for, many of these people were. There is a nice “comedy” from Germany about this. “Er ist weider da”, it starts as a comedy, about Adolf Hitler being transported to modern times. But the ending… is very dark. Because it deals with the fact that Hitler (like many a populist leader before him) is not stupid. He learns very quick, and turns it around in his favor. The “scared confused old man” that you learn to pity a bit in the start? Turns into a sociopath plotter by the end of it.
The reason for this? Historians know the real top NAZIs, not the ones movies show us. They know Hitler gave interviews for instance, and had interviews with people that dated him or were friends with him before he got to power. I use NAZI’s as an example, but you might as well use Stalin, Pinochet, … it doesn’t matter really. The same personality traits apply. It is those that think they can “use it” (like the Republicans did) … that are the fools and the guilty ones.
And that is very much true, we tend to think about them as “stupid” as they never tell us any real solutions or act all silly? But they are a lot more competent than we think.
BTW: Sorry for my typos, I’m typing this on a very old keyboard, and when I read it back… gosh… what a mess.
Just on a comical note, this one made me laugh out loud:
(Being an activist (even now I work) and having felt the Police baton (even being stabbed by Police officers)… it’s hilarious in a sad way. That woman is so … deep in the cult ).
And yes… it’s a fucking cult.