The Future of Xbox Events. What Should it Be?

Digital E3 is boring

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May would be great. This is undoubtedly where Starfield gets its big reveal because the rest of those months they can market the game here and there. There is no way in hell they keep Starfield reveal for September, meaning two months or less before launch.

This was pretty much where I was at as well. I thought it would be doable as well, in the future when the majority of the new studios were settled in & working on new stuff.

Maybe not even quarterly. Maybe just 2 or 3 smaller ‘Directs’ plus the big presentation every summer. That would be cool.

But I have to say, the rumour of 2 big shows this year has me intrigued. & then I remember that once the Activision/Blizzard deal goes through, Blizzcon kinda becomes an Xbox event as well.

I dunno. So much is happening! I know I’d like more news spread out over the year. It seems certain that we will be getting exactly that, in due time. How it materialises I guess we’ll just need to wait & see.

I can’t get away from the ‘Xbox Direct’ idea though. It makes too much sense, with the number of studios Xbox have now.

Quarterly could work well though, at least if they include smaller scale shows - I know they’ve got titles lilr Fallout 76 and Halo which get get major quarterly updates and as far as live service titles (or on going releases) they’ll have World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Grounded, Sea of Thieves, Elder Scrolls Online, Diablo 4 and so on (which I don’t know the schedules for to know how they’d fit) - and that’s before we get into the likes of Call of duty and forza with DLC releases. You could put on a solid quarterly show just for new content coming to existing games, even before any NEW stuff once all their teams are firing on all cylinders and any third party games coming to game pass in the future.

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Yep we have E3 , Gamescom, XO , TGA … Microsoft have enough conferences excluding small event aka Quick Con , Blizzcon …etc People should stop complaining about something isn’t exist we won’t mid event like SoT lol

The old fashion of putting all the heavy weapons in one conference, I think it’s unfair to the rest of the games and examples of that Starfield will take the spotlight on big and awaited games like Avowed Perfect Dark some indies and the third party. Establishing a mini conference during each quarter of the year is a beautiful and modern idea that fits our current time, because people do not have the time and wait to see an announcement after a year! At the same time, you can do the e3 event or whatever the right of the new statements

I think one of the reasons Xbox is still holding onto E3 ( something that could change if Nick’s rumor is true) is possibly becasue of Spencer being a member of the board.

Both! I want them to announce their plans and show us the events. Microsoft is way to silent and as a gamepass subscriber I would like to know the road map for future games and events. The leakers in the community get the Xbox gamers hyped up more than Microsoft. When Xbox has shows it’s always a guessing game on which studio shows up and will they show gameplay. Why so much secrecy?

The gaming industry in general is secretive

and outside of the SoP/Directs, which Xbox should do something similar eventually, Sony and Nintendo are no different, they are just as secretive as xbox

and not knowing what is going to be shown is part of the reason events like E3 or whatever are so hyped

It would be really interesting to see a collated list of all of the events/shows the three of them have had in the past two years. I think the results would be surprising.

Completely agree, but better than the alternative that is a bunch of underwhelming presentations spread across the whole summer

Im more than fine with digital E3 if Xbox’s one is anything to go by going forward

Nothing but games, no chance of live hiccups and as much as the crowd can bring more hype to things, they can be a OTT at times

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I have to wonder if Tom Henderson’s tweet changes things for MS

The timing obviously kinda sucks for my post (lol) but I’m assuming the May/September plans (which remember, plans can change, hence why I was told “current plans”) were made under the “E3 was cancelled” scenario we had been in

If E3 is really going to exist in Digital form this year, I’d be kinda surprised if Microsoft isn’t there. Like, you’d think that May show just becomes E3 surely.

This isn’t me saying what my source has told me. This is me now speculating on what my source said combined with Tom Henderson’s tweet.

Which by the way, I sent that tweet to my source lol.


Apparently, Jeff said he has heard MS is planning a traditionnal E3 showcase in June on his podcast, but who knows, maybe they will do another one.

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Apparently (haven’t heard it myself, only people reporting on twitter) Jeff said in a podcast that Ms accepted the invitation from E3, so if it really happens Ms will be there

In which case, I’d assume the May show just becomes E3

Although it would indeed be cool if they just, you know…did both?

They had May and July in 2020 (2021?) and then Gamescom so it’s possible I guess.


They could do the normal E3 show with trailers and stuff, then in september do a deepdive show about some games that were presented there.

Or even a deepdive month, having deepdives every week with Redfall, FM and closing with Starfield.

A May event with lots of the “smaller” things and a new Starfield trailer to hype up what’s to come at E3 maybe?

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Maybe the May event we get the xbox E3 including the starfield trailor and in june we get an e3 deep dive 30 min or more for starfield.

They could do that, but it didn’t work out so well for them in 2020 when upset gamers just overreacted to the May event as it didn’t have any big announcements. Maybe it would go over better if they had the big showcase first followed by the smaller showcase to appease the fans who would overreact.