The Falconeer, Fantasy Air Combat coming to Series X. Updates and news

also more tease


Whoa underwater?

alright a little update on what’s up next. I’m working on a beefy update with lots of fixes and improvements. Here is the full list;

And then here are some teasers of that, and some hmm. other stuff.
This will make its way into the game in various forms, more on that soon I hope.


I’ve been following your game since the Digital Foundry review, happy to see you’re continuing building uppon release, I’ll soon be one of the Falconeer :kissing_heart:


Here’s a taste of some content a lot further away than what’s coming in a few weeks. (more on that in a few weeks).

For now I’m calling it a pocket A’tuin and its a pirate town(yes thats going to be a thing).] Enjoy


Wow, this looks amazing. Is that turtle just used as a floaty? :smiley:

If so, hope we can take out those pirates.

I was eagerly waiting for a sale, but I might just grab it now to support your work!

It is much appreciated. If you didn’t make the must-have indie-darling nowadays, then you should be grateful for every sale, and I am… And its what keeps me trucking. So cheers.


When I need a break from Cyberpunk, I boot up this game. It a perfect change of pace and it is just so smooth. It’s an experience I’ve recommended to everyone I know. If you are reading this and are in doubt or trying it - just do it!


Thanks for bringing the game to Game Pass. Sorry for not buying, but you probably know one has only so much money and time for all the games out there.

Hope the game gets a nice boost in popularity. I love the art style. Let’s see how I like the gameplay


I can’t wait to check this out

If The Falconeer is like Panzer Dragoon then I’m in.

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Definitely checking this out on Game Pass… These games are never quite my cup of tea but I always want to like them, even picked up a copy of Crimson Skies during the summer haha. Anyway looking forward to trying it (and also thanks for the 120 FPS mode, that’s my new favorite bullet point in any game!)

@FalconeerDev Thank you for bringing Falconeer on Game Pass ! Playing it right now and find it really attractive (lore is really well built and the setting seems to have deph, which is something I appreciate) visuals are gorgeous I must say and 120 FPS on Series X is a pleasure !

I saw you just drop a DLC for the game, I bought it for supporting, it’s not much but I will buy the game in the future (with a little sale, maybe I’ll just buy it with the 20% off of Game Pass).

Hope you’ll keep adding content and keep supporting the game ! With Game Pass, many people will discover it and talk about, you and your game really deserve more exposure. I’m in love with the overall feel of the game, slow paced with a very atmospheric soundtrack and a really mature story.

I like the fact that if you don’t touch the controller, the bird kind of move by itself, it’s a neat touch !

Edit : Oh and french voice acting is a nice surprise and is actually really good, was really pleased to discover this :heart_eyes:

thanks for the kind words.

I’m super glad its on gamepass, don’t feel any guild. Playing it on gamepass is supporting the game. It’s that simple.

I love hearing if you enjoyed the game, even if you didn’t and its constructive, feedback is always welcome.

Gamepass honestly, Its great, I hope it changes this industry for the better. I’m a fan


I hope Gamepass will bring you what it bring to Descenders devs (RageSquid) : exposure and success.

I’ll make sure to give you a full feedback when I’ll finish the game :wink:

Are you supposed to level up really slow? I did the first campaign and I’m only level two, everything in the next campaign kills me super fast.

hmmm are you using a lot of pyro pots… Could be those give out fewer straight kill counts, as the splash damage kills aren’t counted for XP., only locked verified kills.

If you want to level, locked targets count as verified kills. I think I might need to change that to be a little looser.

Chapter 2 ups the difficulty , you’ll need to get a better weapon and if you’re sticking to the hunter class , heavy health mutagens are required. (head for kytera biochemist with about 3k splinters, and you’ll be set)


Ok thanks, it’s a chill game I just feel like I’m missing something there. Can’t remember the last time I had a problem like this

Edit: @FalconeerDev just noticed I was getting help from the dev himself! Thanks so much for making such a cool, unique game. Your tips helped a lot and I’m back to enjoying every moment.

I’ve finished Chapter 1 yesterday and ai’m loving it! I too my time and spent most of it flying around and discovering new places and shrines. The game is gorgeous and I took lots of screenshots!

I did have some trouble understanding what I had to do in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it’s great!