The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 2)

I know it’s a PC, but I assumed the suggestion was that you’d be able to go buy a surface (or Xbox) device made by another manufacturer. So, a Samsung Surface or an LG Xbox, for example.

That could work. Microsoft Xbox being the hero device and baseline and then other companies making their own version. Could even have different configurations. As long as there is a minimum requirement set out, like 16GB + 256GB SSD on Copilot + PCs for example.

100%…given they are looking at giving up the 30% war, theres no way they can justify an online fee. I wouldnt expect one.

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Yes, this is pretty much what I thought people were talking about

If it was a reference design then you could indeed buy a non Ms surface. Literally, if it were a reference design someone could sell that exact thing with a different logo. This is a thing in the laptop world, and many other industries. Or a modified version.

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Hold on, they are? I’ve only seen the reports about Doom.

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So do the people who just want a plain jane console just buy a PS6? From the sounds of it this is effectively going to be an Xbox with a 2-300+ dollar Steam tax attached to it. This still feels like people hearing Phil saying multiple stores would be cool and extrapolating that out to being the actual idea behind the console. I just don’t see how that works from a business perspective.

They’re going above and beyond right now to do as much as they possibly can to maintain growth and then 2(?) years from now they’re going to sacrifice like a quarter of that revenue to help Gabe sell more games?


Unsure if post are up still, but Shinobi on otherera hinted at a lot of multiplats going forward

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What do you consider doing all they possibly can to maintain growth?

And yeah, if you want a plain jane console and are happy without moving forward with your library you just buy a PS6 and Microsoft will sell you games.

The leaks are out of control that to me it feels almost on purpose like they are using it to gauge the temperature. Game pass I still think is the play here. They don’t need this many studios for a multiplatform approach. Sure, they could make money, but they can’t expect to release so many games and expect them all to sell. If multiplatform is the goal, then they will have to consolidate their studios, I think.

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Idas made an interesting post on other era, based on MS data from the FTC case MS wants a gaming revenue of 36 billion USD by 2030. The only way they’re going to achieve that is by going fully multiplatform.

In the scenario Idas anticipates, console hardware isn’t needed.

Post in thread ‘Xbox Game Studios + Bethesda + ABK |OT30| Why So Series X|S?’ Xbox Game Studios + Bethesda + ABK |OT30| Why So Series X|S? Microsoft - OT | Page 633 | ResetEra


Yeah I just saw the picture of his post on RE. Someone said Xbox will probably keep the true Xbox IP such as Gears, Halo, Forza etc exclusive for now and then Shibobi posted a picture from The Office.

Let’s say he’s right with this…well then it sounds like there truly is no red line anymore and Satya got what he wanted. And then I don’t know what the fuck they are doing anymore and it will be clear it’s beyond Phil too. Because what he said sounded to me that they wouldn’t rush with things. We’ll see.


Once/If you believe the PC stuff, fully multiplatform is a no brainer.


Yeah about that. I don’t really get what Jez meant with that? What are we looking at here? A console by how it looks but functions a lot more like a PC compared to how consoles now are?

Let’s just say (hypothetical) that Microsoft/Xbox have invested significantly in improving the TV experience for Windows/Gaming. Microsoft then releases a gaming PC running that improved experience and calls it an Xbox. It’s an Xbox so it still has BC and all of rhat good stuff, but also supports integration of non-Xbox stores into its UI.

Then because it’s just a PC running in a special mode, you might be able to build your own box and run that mode. Lenovo might release a Legion X Box, ASUS might release a ROG Box X. All ultimately just Windows based gaming PCs running in a special mode.

I don’t know if you remember the Windows Media Center PC from a long time ago, but it’d basically be a gaming focused equivalent of that. Or perhaps think Android vs iOS/iPhone.


Cutting staff and the multiplatform push.

Hmm I see.

And tinkering with new parts and stuff, or would it just be a complete thing and done? Because I don’t want to go back to the tinkering of buying, installing parts, and let’s not forget the overwhelming settings in games. Cool for some, I don’t need that though, too much of a headache, lol. Basically, the plug and play experience that we still have now with Xbox. Or would that be gone?

Because then I might be too.

You wouldn’t have to touch parts, hardware wise it’d be a console just like you already have. My hopium would be for a power user option where you can build your own device and take full advantage of being an ‘Xbox’.

One big question would be are we looking at fixed spec (everyone using the same APU) or can it vary significantly by device? If it varies then tinkering with settings might be a thing?


I like to imagine something like the Steam Deck experience for an Xbox “PC-console” going forward.

Boots into Xbox mode and runs games in Xbox-verified settings by default. No tinkering required. Old console games run in emulation.

But it also gives you the option to fiddle with settings if you want, or to switch to desktop mode to install Steam, Epic, etc.


Hmmm I see. A lot of questions indeed yeah. But honestly, I’m a bit intrigued too, it sounds different. And it sure as hell sounds better than the alternative to me, being Xbox leaves hardware for good.

Interesting yeah. It might even get the attention of pc gamers, who otherwise would go for PC. Unless they are dead set on being able to buy new parts, install them etc.

I’m definitely not against these ideas.

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