The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 2)

I’m confused. You decided to pay $2000+ for a PC, to play a game that you could’ve played for free* instead? Based on a rumour? While still giving Microsoft your money in the end?


Not going well then.


No more ballsy than the PC market. They should just acquire steam and get it over with. That will resolve everything.

I am so confused about that rumor. Like are they going to remove the paywall for multiplayer? THere’s no way you can still charge to play multiplayer games if you have access to other storefronts. Plus, what are the incentives for buying games on xbox store or will it just be gamepass for xbox store and then use other stores for games.

it’s indeed a ballsy move, but it does seem enticing if the cost is right due to the price of gaming pc is expensive. If they’re able to provide configuration similar to PS6 at near the cost with access to PC storefronts and no online paywall. Then they might have a very enticing product imo. However, unsure how you keep cost down in this scenario.

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I can’t work out how alternative stores on Xbox is supposed to work at a on business level, unless the hardware is sold at a profit. I guess they can sell peripherals too as they do currently. Is that enough?

From a user perspective your choice will be expensive Xbox console or cheaper PlayStation. They mostly play the same games but PlayStation has more exclusives. While PlayStation gets the Xbox games released on their console the Xbox would get access to the PlayStation games released on PC, which might mean less optimisation.

So, at that point you get

Expensive console with Gamepass vs cheaper PlayStation.

Depending on how much cheaper it is, and depending on how good Microsoft’s Gamepass offering is (not too expensive lots of big games) then Microsoft could be attractive to some people, I think.

But it’s harder to explain, and if it’s broadly the same performance on the same games then the question will be “why pay more?”


Yeah. Game Pass core would simply be a basic tier. Of game pass. Sony and Nintendo would charge for online (PS6 would still be $600+ though) and all of their games will hit Steam.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the handheld sells more than the box

Where there it is. It is being discussed heavily right now at the other place.

Just in case people are confused as to what this means, it means they’re making a hero Xbox but will allow third party companies to make their own. Similar to the setup they have with Surface.

The upside I see is that it will help them reach territories (countries) that they currently have little to no presence in.

Remember though, it’s Twitter Jez not Windows Central (written article) Jez so still take it with a huge grain of salt.


I feel you can’t charge for online play if you have access to steam and other storefronts


100% that would HAVE to go away.


Where is the other place?

Can you buy a non-Microsoft Surface?

So less revenue for Microsoft? Best Crank up the price of the hardware a bit more…

I don’t think Jez understands what reference device means in this context. That would mean taking the same literal device and modifying or rebadging the same hardware, like with GPUs or some foreign laptops. Surface is not a reference device in that meaning of the word, nor will the Xbox be.



Are you serious? Or are you being purposely obtuse?

It’s a reference design.

For better or worse it seems like it’s actually happening so we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out.

We have literally the possible strongest year of first party output ahead of us from Xbox this gen alongside updates to Starfield, and games like Diablo dropping into Gamepass.

Yet somehow the mood feels its lowest around the brand and its so depressing. I try and tune out from it, like lets just enjoy the games haha


On a Ref device…what?

Maybe but who knows they are gauging the temperature and it’s a business at the end of the day. As for consideration every single thing is on the table, that’s just how you start considerations and move up to get to a redline.

I don’t agree nothing is set in stone yet and like I said they will try to clarify things at the event. Personally, I don’t care if everything goes as I’m here for the games, but I think now that they are accountable to investors they will be more careful what they say and put out.

The PS5 was being sold at a profit within 6 months of release - since simplifying the design they’re likely making even more on it.

The Steam Deck and other devices are powerful for what they are and have to include a screen too.

So the likelihood that the top end version of the next Xbox console could be a similar price to a PS6 while still making a little profit and being much more versatile - Sony aren’t going to undercut it by too much as they’ll take the chance to maximise profit.

While the handheld version doesn’t need to be capable of high resolutions (apart from maybe via a dock) so given 2 years more technology it could be sold for similar prices to the lower end of current Steam Deck like devices

If people believe that a surface (AI) chip an npu as they call it is a better piece of hw than a 4090 because they are locking up those features, I have some things I want to sell you.

No, I’m being 100% serious - I thought the conversation was that Microsoft would make it possible for Xbox hardware versions to be made by 3rd parties.

Sorry for getting it wrong, I was just asking a question.

A Surface is just a PC (they once had a unique form factor), so yeah anyone can make one (a PC).