The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 2)

I mean, he’s not lying.

Called this once the “only 4 games” thing was announced. No one should have logically believed they were going to stop there just because they said so :joy:


That’s not really relevant to the point being discussed.

"They basically became the biggest publisher in the world at the cost of tossing their console in the trash,

That Thanos “what did it cost? everything” meme has never been more appropriate here"

Taken off reddit


That’s one of the biggest advantages of consoles over pc. Xbox and PS know that and that’s why they do it. The moment they sell their consoles at profit, why not buy a pc then?

I don’t think Xbox sold well in Europe in the Xbox One Generation and Series X/S got support. Are things noticably different?

I think we’d have to see dramatic drops in console sales in the core UK and USA markets to see publisher support to stop.

I also think that if Microsoft gets more games released and they’re really good and they’re on Gamepass, then that could reduce the impact if that came to pass. Looking at my Nintendo Switch which I play Nintendo games on and nothing else, Microsoft could do the same - but they’d have to increase the number of big games they release per year.

If only Microsoft had some sort of operating system that publishers already support, regardless of consoles sold. Perhaps with some sort of forward compatibility program they’ve already announced. :thinking:

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We’ve only started getting hints of Xbox games releasing on other consoles this last quarter, where they managed to supply around 800k consoles.

Not saying they only sold that because of the multiplatform news, but all the consoles sold previous to that were to people who never expected XGS games going to Playstation 5.

Watching the past, i’d say vast majority of enthusiast and more hardcore players buy consoles because of exclusives, and a big part of casuals buy them because of the word of mouth these first players do

I know people who bought the Xbox due to the Bethesda acquisition, and i’m sure i’m not the only one here who does, that acquisition and the expectation of Elder Scrolls and Fallout being exclusive to Xbox was a big reason for many people to buy Microsoft’s console.


Publishers don’t support windows store unless games are on gamepass, so that’s a moot point. The only major publisher using windwos store without gamepass bag is Sega. Other than that, there aren’t many devs making games for windwos store without gamepass bag. I feel they’ll continue to skip windows store and focus on steam

mmm Symbiotics…

Yeah, that’s one of the biggest reasons for my doubt about a possible Xbox “console” with Steam.

PC’s with Windows literally have the Microsoft store pre-installed, but people voluntarily choose to download Steam and buy games there.

The same would happen with this “console” and MS would lose the 30% cut of game sales, which is pretty much the only point of having a console.


I think that every game will be multiplatform eventually, but Xbox’s communication goal is to keep the exclusivity façade as long as possible, so the hardware sales don’t drop significantly in a short period of time.

Every time a new game will be revealed as multiplatform, the definitive of exclusive game will change, until there’s no exclusives.

Yeah, the only way publishers will put games on windows store is if they go Epic route and take only a 12% cut on windows store purchases. Other than that I don’t think publishers put their games on windows store unless they’re getting a gamepass bag. Again, this has a lot to do with Phil and his team failing to make Windows store a viable store in the pc market.

You don’t understand how Microsoft makes money from being default to steam? I’m not sure what is happening anymore.

I know he’s having fun, but I hope this isn’t the case. Doom, sure. Anything else? Take it the fuck easy please. But a Gears Collection isn’t out of the question I guess, or something else. But we also know Satya wants there to be no red line. It’s anyone’s guess when this starts and the real flagship IP become mp too.

The only reason Sega is even doing that to begin with is that deal they signed to always release Xbox versions of games - there is absolutely money involved in that, zero chance something like Unicorn Overlord would’ve come without gamepass money otherwise.

This isn’t sustainable, frankly - Microsoft is not going to keep throwing money at everyone just to get ports.


I understand how the Windows OS makes money. What I don’t understand is how a possible console, which is sold at loss, would make money if they had Steam integration.

It would definitely be those pesky revenue-sharing agreements with platform holders. I guess it’s the issue with thinking it’s 1:1 windows and hypothesizing. If it isn’t, MS has huge balls and would be counting on xbox become the default (not going to happen)

Yeah, we’ll know in June what’s happening. At the moment it seems many insiders are hinting towards most going multiplat

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Prepare for the worst scenario and you will be ok, I know that I do. lol

Also the new rumor from Jez that the next “Xbox” will be a 3DO like console is interesting (if true) at least on paper because it will be a ballsy move. It sounds like a recipe for disaster to me but I guess we will see how it goes. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is my stance, it would be so insane… I would be curious to kinda see it.