The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 2)

Only this lot can take a clear denial of all the FUD that Twitter and the media have been generating over the last couples, as a bad thing. It’s insane.


100%. That’s my issue. I’m here speculating and others seem to have a decent idea of their plans but nothing is official and until then it sort of hurts investment from consumers (and maybe even publishers and developers) because the plan isn’t communicated.

I realize that the answer is in front of our faces with “Xbox everywhere” and the host of other mantras that designate a shift. But what does it all mean in practical terms? Some of the explanations here make sense but I’d like to hear it from Xbox themselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not at the point where I’m losing patience or questioning my investments. I’m loving the Series X, Game Pass, and the future lineup.

I just hope to see more clarification in the next month or so (the Games Showcase likely won’t touch on business). This seems to be a good time to go over the future of the brand.

And also to be clear I’m not against a shift if it’s good for consumers. With Xbox being in 3rd it likely is something that will be competitive and therefore likely priced and offered competitively.


I wish it was something they’d communicate soon too, but if they are going that way I think people still won’t get it until they see it and that means the software has to be in a good enough place to be demoed. User experience is too critical to their ability to pull off a PC/Console hybrid.


You can download other storefronts through the Windows Store on PC. So either we get native Steam and EGS apps for Xbox for example and then when you go in there you can buy and play the games native to those stores, or you open the app to buy the games, and when installed they appear in your Games and Apps but have a little Steam or EGS icon in the corner for example.

It’s need some work from the other companies for sure for implementation but I don’t see how they’d refuse considering they’d get a bigger user reach through Xbox in the end and it’d be pretty seamless to launch the games for the players. If some games for some reason wouldn’t be compatible, just tag them so they don’t show up when shopping from an Xbox for example.

IGN: How many games did you announce today that will go to Playstation?

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Did they actually ask this?

Too many.

Doom could’ve moved some consoles.

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mods aren’t going to have a ton of patience, just a warning


so obsidian had avowed as November 12th release then removed it. weird

Guessing it was a target date that they didn’t want to lock in publicly yet and someone oopsied.

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There is still a possibility of reveal on tomorrow’s extended showcase thingie.

How many games did they announce coming to PlayStation? Beside Doom?

Also, PS5 was nowhere to be seen in any of the trailers.

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zero that weren’t 3rd party


Well, the point was that Doom was too many. It should’ve at least been a timed exclusive.


Yup pretty much, people were all scared and yet, doesn’t really feel like Xbox 3rd party is actually happening as the haters were hoping for.

1 game is too many? I’ll be playing it with my stacked Gamepass subscription for chump change. As long as that’s the case, I have 0 need to buy in any other ecosystem, which is what any sane person would be doing.

So phil confirmed himself more games are going cross platform and the big thing about xbox is cross entitlement, Im not a fan of that but it is what it is

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It’s DOOM, it’s on everything. We get it “for free”, stables gotta pay up.


I find the hand wringing over release dates kind of odd. If you take them at their word of 2024, well then it’s either July, August, September, October, November, or December.

And it’s highly unlikely they are July or August. So it’s one of four months.

If one gets delayed, okay, that’s fine. The fall is an absolute logjam of quality.


My backlog cried out in terror at all the games I want to play.


I was gonna say, I’m already a few hundred games behind. If they could just stop releasing games altogether for a while it would help me out quite a bit.