Is the new year resolution to give anyone’s credibility to 100%?
Good choice of gif cause, even in universe - you’ll end up right back where you started
Pick your poison. Do you want Banjo but have to give up an exclusive, or give up Banjo and keep an exclusive?
Some people are saying Psychonauts 2 on Switch. The game was nominated for GOTY and never came to Switch.
Would be one of the worst things they could bring over tbh
They’d essentially be saying nothing in the platform is safe from being multiplat if Halo of all things can come over for what? Infinite has been doing better but it’s struggles have nothing to do with how many people have access to the game
They gain a few million extra players at the cost of devaluing their entire brand
Game is already on PS, I believe Nate hinted it was something Xbox fans will be pissed about, nobody is going to care about Switch getting that
Sounds most likely to me. Or something unusual like Oblivion for Switch.
Its not HIFI Rush for PS5.
I mean people in this thread are still peeved about Quake remastered, saying people will be pissed doesn’t narrow it down
But realistically, I think you have a point
Halo would be a bad choice for numerous reasons that I don’t have time to list but its potential user base was never the issue the game averages around 6-7k on Steam a platform with tens of millions of users while doing much better on Xbox due to the franchise’s history on that platform I can’t see a version PlayStation reaching millions of new players as it would be in the same boat as Steam
Exclusives that people will decide to just wait on instead because they think they will come eventually just like a hypothetical HFR
That’s the problem, it sounds small but has an impact on bigger stuff going forward
It started with Ori on switch but people were hoping they learned their lesson on those, clearly not
I feel it’s a very dangerous move for Microsoft to make because the discourse for every release will be “the game is eventually coming to playstation, so why buy an xbox” Also, could make next gen worse for them because might push some to migrate to Playstation due to games eventually coming to that platform. As an xbox console owner it shouldn’t matter too much how Microsoft can maximize their revenue, but them leaving the door open to migrate to other platforms is certainly a choice.
Again, we don’t know the credibility of this insider, but if true. Then it’s a headscracther imo.
I’ll just say it , Xbox needs to be more transparent of what they want to do instead of giving vague terms such as “Case by case basis”. Honestly, I wouldn’t be mad if they are “thinking” of slowly/partly going third party( in terms of first party stuff), I get the business side of it. It just seems like they are scared of the backlash( rightfully so in some ways) and that they want to be intentionally vague to not piss longtime Xbox fans off.
Being vague really only hurts them in a long run and I much prefer them to say something now to get it out of the way so people( or consumers) can decide where to invest/or what to do. All they are doing right now is wasting peoples time.
The more they do this stuff the more it comes across as having their cake and eating it
They want the console to be able to get all the third party revenue but they also want to be able to sell their games everywhere but the more they do this the less desirable to console becomes which means less potential third party support on the system which means less potential GP support
I think the difficulty is that they genuinely don’t know, people criticised them plenty about their vague comments during the Bethesda acquisition but the documents that came out afterwards seemed to suggest even they weren’t sure what their plan would be or what expectations regulars would have of them with such a major acquisition (for the time, anyway). The worst thing they could do is say one thing then do another.
Wasn’t this the guy that said P6 is PS exclusive? Maybe he saw that compilation video of salty PS fans with him in it, that he takes his revenge on us.
To be fair on this subject, he was also among those who said Halo Infinites multiplayer would be released early, said that Arkane Lyon would announce their new game at the VGA’s and is the source of the rumour that there is a new Banjo in development and also said today that Hellblade 2 is scoring very highly internally.
One more game to Switch, like HFR isn’t going to anger some Xbox fans, so it really seems like it will be a game coming to PS5. Honestly I’m getting tired of this nonsense and just wish Xbox wouldn’t do this, assuming it’s true. And assuming it is, maybe they feel they have to, I don’t know. Maybe them doing so horrible in Europe is scaring them? But why just one game and not bring over every single first party game?
At the same time it’s just something I can’t be caring too much about anymore either. The games come to Game Pass, the XSX is a great console and I have no doubts their next one will too. End of the day that’s all I care about.
They are making absurd money, especially with ABK now, there is zero need for them to port exclusives to rivals
If it is HFR, they sell what? a couple extra million copies and for what? make people question what else is gonna come and make the platform less desirable?
Sounds more like a parrot than actual source.
Well they have to decide soon if they want to go all in. Waiting for too long will just erode the trust and goodwill they have build with their fans. Especially when every first party release will inevitably have the “ Is this coming to Ps5/switch” because of their recent actions( Ask Dusk Falls).